Part 5

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"Come on! We need to get across to the river!" Nadine yells and the three jump across the buildings. The quick flash of lightning illuminates the sky for that brief moment.

The pair follow Chloe down the rope, smashing the lightbulbs and landing, unsteadily. They keep running, the rain falling hard and their ears ringing from the gunshots.

"It's this way!" Chloe yells, running through a building.

They jump over the barrier, but the wooden floor breaks, collapsing and making the three fall.

"What the hell was that back there?" Nadine rounds on the two.

"Messy, but effective." (Y/N) replies, checking to make sure no one followed.

"You two were gonna sell me out, right?" Nadine asks, her voice rising.

"It's called improvisation. God, who's being unprofessional now?" Chloe responds.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"It means you let Asav get the jump on us." (Y/N) says, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm starting to wonder if you're worth your cut." Chloe adds, walking to the edge and looking out.

"I knew it. You were going to give me up. Guess leopards can't change their spots." Nadine spits.

"You know nothing about us." Chloe hisses and (Y/N) pulls her back.

"Fair warning - the last person who betrayed me wound up dead." Nadine warns. "There's your river." She adds, pointing down to it.

"Yeah, and your guy better be there." Chloe tells her.

Gunshots ring out and the three duck. "Alright, time to go!" (Y/N) yells, taking the lead. She slides down the metal roofing, leaping across to the other building and helping the other two up.

"C'mon!" She shouts. "You still have the disk?"

"Yeah, keep moving!"

A few of Asav's men get the jump on them, but the three manage to take them out. "Glass jaws, the lot of you." Chloe says.

"No time to gloat, let's go." Nadine reminds her, the two following (Y/N) down. They jump across signs and buildings, down and smashing more lights just as RPGs begin to be fired.

"This is going great." Nadine yells.

"Least it's not pouring rain." Chloe replies.

Finally the three make it to the river. Sliding down the tiles and using the lights once more to make their escape, plunging into the icy water.


The sun rises in the distance, casting out shades of light oranges and yellows.

(Y/N) stands at the end of the boat, looking over the stilling water and watching the birds fly by like a breeze. She sighs. The phone sits in her hand with his contact name on the screen.

After a few more minutes of contemplation, she presses his name and listens to the dull ring.

"Hey, sweetheart."

(Y/N) smiles. "Hey, Sam."

"You alright? I miss you." He says and she chuckles. "I miss you too."

"Y'know, I can't remember the last time we spent this long away from each other."

"I can."

There's a silence and he sighs. "And I regret that everyday." He finally says.

"I know, I know. I just miss you, that's all. How are you holding up?" (Y/N) asks.

"Asav? Nothing I can't handle. Although he really is torturing me with his comments." Sam groans. "I'm just here to make some scratch so me and beautiful wife can move on." He adds.

"Aw, aren't you soppy." She jokes and he laughs.

"I have to go, Asav's on his way back and from what I've heard, he is not happy." Sam tells her.

"Yeah, that may have been our fault."

"Yeah you really kicked the hornet's nest." He chuckles.

"Just don't give anything away." (Y/N) warns.

"C'mon, babe, y'know me."


Sam scoffs in a jokingly offended way. "I'll talk to you soon. I love you."

"I love you too."

(Y/N) hangs up with the same smile like the one on her husband's at the other end of the line.

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