Part 18

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The three on the floor are hauled up by Asav's soldiers, (Y/N) being pushed in the line with them. Sam glances over at her, the smile not fading. "You've got no idea how much I have missed you."

"I'm missed you too." She replies. "But -" (Y/N) elbows him hard and he groans in pain. "Um, ow!"

"That's for not replying to my calls. A simple one letter text to let my know you were fine would've been grand." She exclaims and Sam laughs. "God, I love you. But, seriously... Nadine Ross?" He asks her.

"Don't talk to me. Don't say my name." Nadine cuts him off.

"Well, I was going to say you look good."

"Was I not clear?" She then scoffs and glances at him. "What's that smell?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I haven't exactly had access to running water and soap recently."

"You do kinda smell." (Y/N) shrugs and he turns to her. "Whose side are you on? God, all the people you two could've bought with you." Sam shakes his head.

"She saved our asses more than once you know." Chloe states.

"You do remember that, uh, she also tried to kill Nathan and I, many, many times?" He asks.

"And in all fairness, you two tried to do the same to her." (Y/N) counter and he glares at her. "Hey, now, sweetie I'm just stating the whole story." She shrugs, giving a cocky grin.

"Yeah, but that's not the point. The point is, that the second we turn our backs, there will be a knife in there." Chloe sighs at his answer and Nadine rolls her eyes. "I can hear every word you're saying."

"I know!"

"I... trust her." Chloe admits, making him laugh.

"You know what - Fine. I guess I'm just a little bit irked that we are walking away with nothing." He exclaims. Then with a smirk, he looks at Nadine. "But I guess you know what that's like, right?"

Forcefully, she shoves him so he goes falling into (Y/N). "Oh my god, time and place, children!" She cries, pushing him back.

"Real classy, thank you." Sam mutters.

"More where that came from." Nadine warns.

"Bike racks. After school."

(Y/N) looks back to Chloe for help, but she just rolls her eyes and shrugs. They finally come to a stop at some doors and Chloe moved through the group, shoving her weight against it to open them.

The room is illuminated by the dark glow of ominous red flames around the walls and two statues stand in the middle and as they enter, a podium rises between them.

"Woah... that's ominous." Sam states.

"It appears the kings have on final test." Asav says.

"Looks like you won't be needing us then." Chloe tries to walk away, but the soldier pulls her back.

"On the contrary." Asav holds up his hand and stares at her, beckoning her forward. "Surely you know this story?" He asks and her handcuffs are taken off. 

He chuckles. "You see, Shiva gave Parashurama the mighty axe that struck Ganesh in the face bringing Shiva's son, one of the greatest gods, to his knees. Another casualty of war." He holds up the disc, nodding that he wanted Chloe to be the one to do it.

"Don't." Nadine says harshly.

"Yeah, seriously Chloe -" Sam begins.

"There's no point, he's just gonna kill -" (Y/N) stops once she's kneed in the back, sending her to the floor.

Married to a Drake [Samuel Drake X Reader]  {The Lost Legacy}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz