Part 3

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(Y/N) hops over the fence first, followed close by Chloe. The two both pull out their phones, but for different reasons; Chloe checking the picture of the red door whilst (Y/N) checks her messages.

"He'll be fine, stop worrying." Chloe tells her.

The other woman nods, sighing heavily. "You're right." She looks over her friend's shoulder. "Red door? That's it?"

"That's it. Better than nothing." She replies, putting the phone away.

The two begin their walk through the streets and Chloe shivers.

"You alright?"

"Just an active war zone. Nothing I can't handle." She shrugs.

They walk under one single street light, tremors happening all around them. A family runs down the street, hiding in a house and (Y/N) frowns. "Why are they still here?"

Just in front of them, Insurgents pull a man out of his house. The two cautiously approach, watching in horror. The man is hit by the soldiers, pushed into a truck and the women look away.

"Bloody bullies." Chloe mutters.

(Y/N) notices the checkpoint up front and stops. "Shit, Chloe." She mumbles and Chloe takes her arm.

"Come on. We've got no choice."

Chloe speed walks her way past and (Y/N) tries to speed up, but one of the men grab her.

"Hey. What's your rush?" He asks, pulling her back. The other woman glances back at the two and (Y/N) gives her a small 'it's alright.'

"How do I know you're not smuggling something in here." He smirks, pushing closer to her. The insurgent throws her hands up as another pats down Chloe. (Y/N) tries desperately to cover the ring on her finger, grimacing at the feeling of his hands trailing down her body.

"Hey." The Lieutenant speaks and they ignore him.

"Dangerous to be out so late." The soldier checking (Y/N) mumbles into her ear and she pulls away slightly.

"Hey." The Lieutenant shouts again. "Where do you live?"nHe stands up from his position, making his way over to them. "What, are you both deaf?"

"Answer him!" The soldier orders, hitting (Y/N) forward, but she doesn't reply.

"I said, where do you live?"

"Aaravtha zone." Chloe answers.

His radio goes off and he answers it, angrily: "I'm in the middle of something!"

"It can wait."

"Yes, Sir." The Lieutenant replies, clearly fearful he spoke in that way.

"Meet me inside."


"You, with me. Man the gun." Lieutenant orders and the soldier holding (Y/N) frowns. "Sir! What about the girls?"

"Just let them through."

"You heard him. Get going." The soldiers push them away and the two hurry on, (Y/N) shivering from their touch and Chloe smiles softly. "Lucky for them, we've got somewhere to be." She jokes.

More people run into houses as the two approach a wire fence, a truck with its lights on parked the other side where Chloe points. "Red door. Check."

(Y/N) ducks underneath a box, pushing away part of a fence and crawling out.

"You got a light?" She hears and slowly makes her way to cover. One of them walks away and she stealthily takes the other out. Chloe runs forward and makes quick of their second.

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