Part 4

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We're gonna skip to getting to Asav's base

Chloe kneels down, trying to pick the lock so the trio could get what they needed. Nadine, however, becomes impatient and elbows the glass just above the lock, reaching in and opening the door.

"Well, that works." (Y/N) says.

"Let's find that disk." Nadine grumbles, opening the door and walking in. (Y/N) chuckles, patting Chloe on the back and following.

Nadine picks up an oil lamp off the side, which Chloe takes off of her. "Thank you very much. Watch our backs, yeah?"


"It's like an antique shop." (Y/N) states, examining a few objects off the shelves.

"He's been a busy boy." Chloe adds, walking through the place, looking around at different artefacts.

"How much you think it's all worth?" Nadine asks.

"Enough to keep his little insurrection going for quite some time."

(Y/N) heads over to the massive window overlooking the city. The rain dribbles down it and the explosions illuminating the darkened clouds. Her phone buzzes and she takes it out of her pocket, smiling at the three simple words.

Chloe looks over her shoulder. "Isn't he a keeper." She says, laughing and (Y/N) rolls her eyes.

"Frazer. (L/N)." Nadine calls and the two turn. "C'mere."

She stands in front of a closed metal box and (Y/N) raises an eyebrow. "That looks promising."

"It's locked." Nadine says.

"Not for long." Chloe replies, kneeling in front of it and using her bobby pin once again.

"What was that map?" Nadine asks her, that she saw her take from the wall.

"Western Ghats, Hoysala territory."

"Shit." Nadine mutters and (Y/N) shrugs. "Nothing we didn't already know."

The lock clicks and the lid pops up, making Nadine turn around and walk forward, trailing her hand on the table. It accidentally hits the lamp, almost knocking it over but Chloe grabs it. "Woah. Careful."

She then lifts open the lid, letting it drop gently on the table. Inside contained the very important disc, that was intricately detailed and the three women admire it.

"It's beautiful."

They don't get any more time, shouts sounding from outside the door and Chloe grabs the disc, holding it behind her back.

"Time to go." Nadine says, the door flying open and in entering armed soldiers. Another man enters behind them. "Nadine." His voice is chilling and he claps his hands together. "Ross."

"What a pleasant surprise." He spoke softly, but with a menacing tone. The men move forward and he tuts: "ah, ah, careful brothers, this tiger's got claws."

He steps out from the shadows and Nadine scoffs. "Asav."

"All these years and you haven't aged a day." Asav tells her, walking around her.

"You're too kind." She replies, making him chuckle.

"Are you looking for work? I hear that Shoreline's under new management."

"Temporary setback. Nothing I can't handle."

"Of course. Of course. Pity, though. My men and I could use someone of your caliber." He sighs.

There's a silence. (Y/N) and Chloe share a glance as Asav steps closer to Nadine, his voice dropping.

"Why are you here? And this... this isn't your area of expertise." He says, indicating to everything around him.

"It is a nice collection, I must say." (Y/N) speaks up, stepping forward and smiling. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." She stumbles on her surname, but regains herself. "And this is Chloe Frazer."

"We're collectors of antiquities." Chloe adds, holding out her hand.

"Thieves. You're working for thieves." Asav states.

The radio on one of the men crackles. "Sir. We have a situation."

Asav curses, heading over to his Insurgent and taking the radio. Chloe and Nadine look at (Y/N) who frowns. "What? What have I done?" She whispers.

Asav turns back to the three, clearly more frustrated than before. "The disc." He taps on the table, not messing around.

"Oh, right, about that. At first, I mistook you for just an average rebel." (Y/N) informs him, carrying on and nodding, Asav goes along with her. "Oh."

"But you have managed to find the Hoysala Empire. That's not bad."

"Their greatest treasure - the Tusk of Ganesh? That's not exactly and easy find." Chloe takes over, the pair flowing naturally.

"What are you two doing?" Nadine murmurs.

"Three Persian invasions, three separate wars, and all these years later... no one has found it." Chloe gives the history.

"We're close." Asav informs them.

"You're lost. And the only chance you have of even narrowing down its location is to find someone who can help you..." (Y/N) motions with her hand and Chloe takes the disc out of her jean pocket. "...crack this artefact."

"Someone with an extensive knowledge of Hoysala society." Asav states, pacing across the room in front of the three.


Asav hums. "An expert in their culture and history."

"Her rates are reasonable." (Y/N) shrugs.

"A parasite. Who exploits our struggle in order to fatten her pockets." He says, walking towards the two.

"So, that's a no?" (Y/N) asks and Chloe turns to her, nodding. "Felt like a no." She adds, making (Y/N) nod in agreement.

Asav chuckles, his eyes moving between the two. "You've both got balls. I like that. But I don't need any more so-called experts." He tells them.

"Shoot them. Throw their bodies in the river." He then orders to his men, going to leave the room.

"No need. We're throw ourselves out." Chloe says, kicking the table forward and letting the lamp fall, flames igniting.

"On me. Through the window!" Nadine yells.

(Y/N) runs, smashing through the window and out into the rain and on the roof below.

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