Chapter 13 ~ The Build up

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Hey guys its been so long since I last uploaded. Sorry about that. So here's this, it's a bit crap and only a filler so it's REALLY short but hey it's something.

love JayJay xx


Distorted Glass


Chapter 13



????? P.O.V



                     “Welcome back, son. I hope prison didn’t treat ya too bad?” I smirked at the young man in front of me.

                     “Nah, but it’s good to be back. You heard from brother dearest?” His mirrored smirk showing me that he hadn’t changed at all.

                       “Hmm, he hasn’t been in touch in a while since him and the bitches left but don’t worry we’ll find him. He’s a good boy and I know he’ll love to know your back and then we can all go back to work.” I know that my smile was now sinister as I thought of all the work we had to catch up on.”

                      “You seen my buddy boy lately? He got out a few months ago.”

                        “No I haven’t son but after we collect your brother we’ll go get him.”

                       “That’s if mum hasn’t converted him into a pussy like the other ‘un.”

                                       The punch which I planted on his face cut his laughter short.

                        “Don’t fucking talk about your brother like that. He aint no pussy, she can keep her fucking ways away from my boy.”

                                         His nod showed me his understanding but I was still fuming. If that slut that I married brainwashed my son then it would be the last thing she ever did. He was gonna grow up good and strong so he could stand in his rightful place next to his brother. I had enough disappointments in my family, I would not tolerate another. But I was overreacting, my boy wasn’t like that and its time to take back our job. I had other things to deal with too, that bitch would pay for taking away my boy and she wouldn’t be able to do it again.

                             “Come on, son. Lets take our lives back.”






*                                                                                             *                                                                                                    *




Clayton’s P.O.V



                          I had no idea what I had expected when I decided to come home but it was definitely what I found. My blood had ran cold at just the sight of the police cars. I had known that chances were that it had nothing to do with Reagan, my baby sis, but still I hadn’t been able to stop that uneasy feeling. As I had pulled up a few houses away from ours, I couldn’t get in front of it due to the police cars and ambulances, I had felt a panic like none I had ever felt before. Please not Reagan, please let her be okay. I had chanted over in my head.

                         Now don’t get me wrong I care about my other sister and my brother but me and Reagan had always been the closest. I was her brother and I admit that Claire is a bitch, if I never saw her again then it would be too soon, she was like a younger version of our mother. Then there was Daniel, he was waaaaay too quiet, we were his family and he hardly talked to us, I couldn’t even tell you his favourite colour or hobby, that’s how quiet and secretive he is. But Reagan was a different story, she was fiery and loved joking about, or rather she did, over the years our parents abuse got to her until she became quieter and quieter and she stopped with her joking. I tried to help her and stopped mother a lot of the time but I couldn’t always be there and it broke my heart everytime she had ran up to greet me with a new bruise or cut. While I was away I tried to only remember the happier, younger version of her. If I had constantly thought of the other then I would go crazy.

                           I had watched father being pushed in one police car, mother in another and the twins in the last one. Shit, what had happened? I had ran up to a police man standing around and asked him about my youngest sister  and what had happened but he wouldn’t tell me anything, only that Reagan had been taken into the house next to ours. But even when I went there they wouldn’t tell me anything or let me see my sister. There was nothing else for me to do so I left but I would be back in the morning. I had fallen asleep in my car because they closed off our house with police tape and I had nowhere else to go. There was a time when that wouldn’t have bothered me and I would just walk in but I was trying to clean up my act. I had to do it for my baby sister, so I could get her out and we could live somewhere away from our parents, that’s why I had left in the first place, so that I could get qualifications to get a good job and support the both of us.

                                 When I had woken up the next morning my neck was stiff and even turning my head brought on pain. That was when I knew that it wasn’t going to be a good day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2012 ⏰

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