Chapter 4 ~ Yay, school!!! JK!

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Distorted Glass

Chapter 4

                                 Wow. I was actually on time for the first time ever. Where’s my award? Maybe today won’t be too bad. After all, it had started off okay and with Lee here I would actually have someone to talk to for a change. I sneaked a quick look over at Lee in the driver’s seat. Who was I kidding? He was good looking with his dark hair looking all mysterious. He was too good looking for me. The schools entire population of girls would be all over him and he was a guy, like he would say no to all the pretty girls throwing themselves at him. Not likely. So that would leave me all alone like usual. Oh, stop feeling sorry for yourself and suck it up, I chastised myself.

                     “Coming, Ree?” Lee asked whilst climbing out of the car.

                   “I guess so.” I answered glumly. I might as well get this day over and done with.

                      “Why do you sound so sad, ReeRee?”

                                  I raised my eyebrows at the nickname.

                       “What? It’s cute, just like you, my little twin.” He defended.

                    “So now I’m your twin too?” I said whilst shaking my head at him.

                       “Yep and stop avoiding the question.”

                    “I’m not avoi-…”

                        “Ree!” He interrupted.

                                   I sighed.

                     “Fine! I hate it here. All the girls are gonna be all over you and you’ll stop talking to me like everyone else. Then I’ll have no one again.” I pouted.

                                  To my surprise he burst out laughing which caused me to frown and him to laugh louder at my dumbfounded expression. It took a few minutes for him to stop laughing enough to speak.

                        “So you’re upset because you think I’m gonna stop being your friend for a bunch of dumb bimbos?”

                                 I nodded silently.

                        “Ah, I do love you, twin. I don’t care about a few girls, I can live without them. You’re always gonna be my ReeRee.”

                      “It’s more than a few girls.” I mumbled but Lee just laughed.

                          “Come on, my little coward. We’re gonna face ‘em together.”

                                    He dragged me from the car and wrapped his arm through mine whilst locking the car at the same time. We then proceeded to walk arm in arm through the school’s student car park. It wasn’t very big, after all the only people who could drive were sixth formers and parents quickly dropping off their kids. Oh and the bus but mother never gave me money so I couldn’t afford to ride on it, hence the fact that I had to walk to school.

                        “Lee?” I asked.


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