Chapter 5 ~ Stolen my best friends brother?!

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Hey sorry for not uploading sooner. I know that this one's short but I really wanted to upload. I will try to make the next one longer. Tell me what you think.

love JayJay x


Distorted Glass

Chapter 5

                               My heart was beating fast in my chest as we pulled into Lee’s driveway. My palms were sweating and I wiped them onto my jeans. As I looked down I was surprised to see my hands shaking slightly and I clenched them tightly to hide the fact. I swallowed the nervousness growing in me. It was my own mother for Christ’s sake.

              “Are you alright?” Lee asked and squeezed my leg in a comforting gesture. If only I could be calmed so easily.

            “I’m fine. It’s just that I’m not looking forward to talking to my mother, that’s all.”

             “Don’t worry, twin. I’ll be right next to you.”

                               Having no other choice, I reluctantly climbed out of the car. After all, I couldn’t stay in there all night, could I now? As much as I wish it were possible, it wasn’t. I walked slowly to my front door, trying to prolong the moment.

              “Hurry up, my little coward. Or else we’ll never get to my house.”

                               I sighed and walked a little faster. I may as well get this over and done with. She’ll be angry later no matter how long it takes me to ask her. I reached the door sooner than I would have liked and tentatively grabbed the handle pushing it open. There were no sounds of a fight meaning my father hadn’t returned home yet. This was good because Lee wouldn’t be forced to witness that side of my family and I might get one night of peace; however the bad part was that the fight when he returned would be extra brutal. Just great. We walked through the house until I found my mother in the lounge.

          “Mother.” She looked up and I watched as she quickly covered up the hate in her expression when she realised that I wasn’t alone.

           “Hello, Mrs Storm.” Lee spoke up.

         “It’s nice to see you again, Lee.” I caught a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

          “I was wondering if it would be okay for Reagan to come over to my house for a few hours? You see, the school set her up as my tutor. It will look great on her record. And my mum will cook for us so it’s one less person for you to cook for.” Ha, I thought bitterly, I doubt my mother can even cook. I do it all.

          “Well, I suppose, seeing as it will look good on her record.” Her words were approving but I could see the hidden promise for what was to come when I returned, in her eyes.

            “Thanks, Mrs Storm. See you later.”

                                With nothing more to say he led me out of the house. Mother was going to be furious when I got home and although I could never show it, I was scared. Who knew how far she would go with her temper. I thought back to what Lee had said earlier this morning. Would she truly lose control and kill me one day? No, I wouldn’t believe it. She was still my mother and a mother doesn’t do that. She could hurt me, yes, but I don’t believe that she could kill me.

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