Chapter 2 ~ The new neighbours

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New chapter and you get to meet the Carter's. Tell me what you think.

love JayJay x


Distorted Glass

Chapter 2

                             I stared down at my food as we all sat at the table. I couldn’t remember the last time I had sat at this table never mind when the whole family had sat here together. Father was still gone which wasn’t surprising but mother had shrugged it off saying that he had to work late at the office. (“He’s an incredible lawyer you know.”) Sure he’d be up late but I doubt it was work that he was doing, more like his mistress.

                             There was only one word that could describe this whole meal and that was awkward. Simply awkward. I didn’t blame the Carter’s for feeling uncomfortable. I would have too in this situation. Since the moment they walked through our front door all mother had spoken about was how great our family was. She sat there bragging about all of our talents. She was even nice about me which just shows you how much she was trying to intimidate them. But that’s my mother for you.

                             If you asked me, I thought the Carter’s seemed like a nice family. Mrs Carter had short, chocolate coloured hair and was nicely dressed. She had to be in her 40’s but she barely looked a day over 30. With wide brown eyes and smile lines, she seemed like a very open and loving person. The exact opposite of my own mother. From what I gathered there was no Mr Carter around but I couldn’t find out more as mother never stopped talking.

                           Next came Aaron. He seemed to be around 18 and stood at 6ft 3. He was muscled and I figured him as a sort of player. Everything about him screamed heart breaker. He had brown hair like his mother only a shade darker. His eyes were a captivating dark green that made girls swoon. He would be described as handsome, in a rugged way, (or simply a sex god) although his face seemed too emotionless for me; his eyes guarded and I doubted his mouth had seen a smile in a while.

                          Then finally, there was Lee who seemed to be around my age. He wasn’t as tall as his brother but still he was tall at about 6ft. his hair and eyes were exactly the same shade as his brothers. In truth he looked like a younger version of Aaron only his face showed slight smile lines. His face wasn’t emotionless either, looking into his eyes you could see pure boredom. He seemed okay but as if he would care more about his appearance and what others thought than anything or anyone else.

                          I felt somebody nudge my leg from beside me. I turned to see Lee looking innocent. Maybe too innocent if you asked me.


                         My leg was nudged again and I snapped my head around again to see a hint of a smile on Lee’s face. Two could play at that game. I collided the side of my leg with his and out of the corner of my eye I could see him looking at me amused but I pretended not to notice. Again he hit my leg and I returned it. This carried on and became a full-fledged nudge war. By now we were both struggling not to laugh. Across from Lee, Aaron looked as though he was wondering where the nearest mental institution was to send us both to which only made it harder to hold in the fits of laughter that wanted to erupt. All of a sudden Lee pushed a folded napkin towards me and I opened it curiously.

                                “Please, please. Let’s escape. The awkwardness here is stifling. Pretty please with a cherry on top and extra sprinkles.”  It read.

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