CHAPTER 21: We'll Figure It Out

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It has been a couple of days now since Gemma has been back and I gotta say that whatever was in that serum the witch had for her has helped bring not just the real Gemma back to us all but also her strength and abilities. The only thing that I wish she was able to remember was what the guy looked like who took her.

After everyone had showed their excitement in seeing her come back as much as I was, we had to still figure out everything that's going on.

Both Gemma and I were hanging out with Lorraine and Corwin, taking a break from training in the living room while watching some NetFlix when we hear a loud knocking on the front door.

When we opened the door, we saw our pack doctor sweating, out of breath, while holding the side of his stomach. Though that wasn't the strangest part. The strangest thing about all of this was the fact that he had green veins from head to toe with his skin pale and lips blue as if he was cold.

We catch him right as he loses his balance and start taking him to the couch.

"What happened?" I ask him as I kneel down beside him, holding his hand.

"I-It came out of nowhere." He stammers.

"What are you talking about? What came out?" I asked curiously.

"The creature that did all the killings." He says still shaken up.

"What? How did you even..." I began but he cut me off.

"Listen. I don't have much time. He put something inside of me as he slashed my sides. Listen to me, you need to get her to a safe place." He tells me as he coughs.

"What do you mean? What's going on?" I ask worried.

"He's coming for her....." He trails off as he takes his last breath and then dies right then and there.

"Doc?" I ask while shaking him. He can't be dead. He's been taking care of my family for years and is like family to us all. He's been through so much, he can't die this way.

There's nothing but silence in the room and we all stand there, looking at his lifeless body.

I then look at Gemma right as I feel tears fall down my cheeks.

"I-I'm so sorry." Gemma says as she doesn't even make eye contact with me and looks down at the floor. "Why did you bring me back? Why did you let me remember? You're all going to die and it's because of me." She says as she begins tearing up.

It breaks my heart in two to see her this hurt and to think for an instant that it's her fault, is killing me.

She next leaves and starts running up the stairs into the bedroom.

I quickly follow after her and run in right before she shuts the door behind her. When I close it behind me, I try and think of something to say to try and convince her that none of this is her fault.

"Gemma. None of this is your fault. And whoever this guy is, he, it, or whatever the hell this creature is, won't get you, I promise. I will be right here to protect you." I tell her as I quickly walk up to her and place my hand gently on the side of her face.

She next puts her hand on the back of my head and leans her forehead against mine.

"I'm scared." She tells me.

"I know baby. But it's gonna be okay. We'll figure something out, I promise." I try to assure her.

I then feel her head move a little against mine as she nods in agreement.

"Okay. I trust you." She tells me.

We begin kissing each other passionately and slowly at first before it turns into lust and hunger for one another. It has been a while after all for my mate and I.

Next chapter will start off a bit steamy and will be posted soon! :)

The Huntress & Her AlphaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora