CHAPTER 9: No Matter What.....

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"We can't tell her, no matter what. We need to wait for the right time and that's that." I tell Beta. 

"Alpha Rhydon, we just worry about her never...." One of my Delta's starts telling me but stops and begins to sniff the air as we all begin doing the same thing and then turn our heads to her direction towards the living room across the way there from the kitchen at the same time and we see it's Gemma.

I right away get up and take only a couple of steps before stopping as I quickly remind myself at the same time that she doesn't remember me and I need to be careful for a while so that I don't scare her.

"It's okay. We won't hurt you." I begin telling her. "I'm..." I started but she stopped me.

"Alpha Rhydon. I know exactly who you are." She says.

When she said that, my first reaction was happiness as I started thinking it meant she remembered me, I was soon proven wrong as I could tell by the cold hard glare she was giving me, said otherwise.

"Gemma." I begin.

She starts stepping back but not as if she were scared of me. It was more like she was preparing to come at me and attack.

"I suggest you keep your distance." She warns me.

"Alright." I tell her.

The guys are still all sitting at the table, looking at her and are just as surprised and a bit confused as me. She stands there for a moment just looking at me intensely and then looked at the guys and then back at me.  Her face seemed to soften a little more.

"I'm gonna leave." She says and starts to walk back upstairs to grab her bag and she can't leave. I'm NOT losing her again.

"Wait! Why don't you have some breakfast?" I offer.

She looks at me as though she's thinking if rather or not this was a trick. I'm more worried than ever right now not knowing what's exactly going on with her as I did not imagine this whole thing turning out the way it is so far.

Thankfully, she comes and sits down at the table with us and begins to eat after I make her a plate and place it in front of her.

"Thanks." She says.

We all start eating although none of us can stop looking at her with curiosity. It's crazy because right now, I'm not sure in what to think or how to even look at her as she seems so different that I have no idea what to think.

Before I got a chance to say anything else, I was contacted through mind link by an Elder from the council saying they have found who and what is doing the attacks recently. So I reply to them and let them know I will meet with them in a little while and that I was in the middle of something.

Suddenly, we notice Gemma grab her head and start crying out loud in excruciating pain.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I get up and rush to her side.

"Make it stop please!" She begs while crying.

"Make what? What is it?!" I ask her concerned and trying not to freak out.

"The pain! Make it stop please! It hurts!" She cries again and my guys quickly get up and I have a couple of them run out and get the pack doctor quick while I puck her up and carry her bridal style back up the stairs and into her room.

I hate this. I don't know why her head is hurting but she keeps begging me to make it stop and yet, I don't know what's wrong or how to take the pain away. I can't help but have the tears fall down my face as I try to soothe her.

I don't care if she doesn't remember me, right now, all that matters is figuring out what's going on and how to help her. I love her so much and I can't lose her. So whatever this is, hopefully the doctor will be able to find out and tell me.

The next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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