CHAPTER 13: Don't Know If I Can Do This

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After everything that has happened so far since Gemma has returned and from all the information I had just been told recently, I needed some time to think and some space to breathe before I met up with the other Alpha's from the only several packs left here. Then after the meeting, I had planned to go and check in on the Moon Goddess.

I went for a run while I left my Omega's that have been wanting to get a higher rank for almost two years now, stayed behind to keep an eye on her.

After the meeting with the Alpha's were finished, I went straight over to the Moon Goddess, Leanorah and she had a lot she needed to tell me.

When I got to her office and her little 'assistant' had closed the door behind me while I walked up to Leanorah who was standing by the window and looking out towards the woods.

"I know already why you're here." She says before turning around to look at me.

"Well then you must already have answers for me then." I tell her.

"Not exactly the ones you want really. The truth is I don't foresee things such as this. Gemma's destiny has already been determined by something far greater than all of us, including myself. However, I will tell you what I know." She begins before taking a seat on one of the sofas as I sit across from her on another one.

"Alright." I tell her.

"That day when you found those who took care of Gemma after that big fight, were dead, later that night when I returned home, I was given a message. A message from Paine Warton." She says.

"The one that's responsible for these recent attacks and the one responsible for taking my mate and.." I stop myself as I start to choke back tears.

"Yes. He warned me not to say anything to the new head Elder. Otherwise he would kill Gemma." She says. "I know that right now there are a lot things going on with Gemma. Things that aren't making any sense at all. But you have to trust me and listen to me carefully. Right now, until the pack doctor brings the right serum for her to remember you and everyone, you have to bring out that monster Paine has created inside of her. The very monster that has blocked Gemma's old memories. Then when it comes out, you need to inject it with what the doctor gives you."

"What the fuck?" I say confused. "Are you fucking insane?! You want me to provoke whatever this asshole Paine has created in her and risk my pack and I being slaughtered all to help her remember? The Doc didn't say shit about that!" I tell her.

"I know. Most likely because he probably thought you wouldn't believe him." She explains. "But trust me, this will give you your Gemma back." She tells me reassuringly.

"So how do I bring it out?" I ask her not believing myself in going along with this crazy plan.

"Well, you need to give the doctor some time to get the serum first. In the meantime, you need to not treat her as your mate but make her hate you. Then when she's just about to shift, you inject her, right in the side of her neck." She tells me.

This can't be happening. In fact, this has to be a cruel and sick joke. How do I ignore my feelings for her? The pull? My wolf will struggle with this.

"How the hell..." I begin to say to myself under my breath until she stops me.

"I know. But here, down this right now." She says as she tosses me a vile that is filled with a liquid gel type substance that she soon tells me is gonna help my wolf and I 'act' how we need to for the time being.

I was still confused but then I heard through mind-link, Corwin needs my help with something. So I look at Leanorah for a moment and then at the vile, contemplating if rather or not I should do this. But if I want her back, I have to do this. So I close my eyes, tilt my head back as I gulp all the gel substance down and cough a little from the stuff.

We say our 'goodbyes' and then I begin heading out. Although before I shift, I start to feel head becoming clouded a little bit and can't hear my wolf so much.

When I arrive back home and after helping Corwin, I walk into the house and am pissed at what I see. The two guys I needed to be at the perimeters a couple pf hours ago for their shifts were here in the house, talking about whatever.

Then right as soon as I slammed the front door behind me shut,.they turned and looked scared aa they bowed to me.

"Alpha." The two guys greeted me.

"What the hell are you both doing here?! I thought I told you guys to help the others with securing the perimeters?!" I snap at them with balled fists at my side.

"We were just grabbing a few of our things and then leaving." One of them says as they sound scared.

"Well leave then, NOW!" I yell at them as I make my way towards the kitchen to grab a water bottle. I am beyond livid and a part of me doesn't know why while another part of me feels as though this entire idea is bullshit.

I try to leave the kitchen to head upstairs when I feel someone bump into me.

"Excuse me." I hear Gemma tell me but I was NOT in the mood right now to talk with her.

"MOVE!" I say through gritted teeth as my eyes begin turning dark cause of how pissed off I am.

"I'm sorry baby." She coos at me sounding all innocent. Which what the hell is up with that?!?

I'm taken back a little and suddenly feel myself begin to calm down a little bit. Then in a split second, out of nowhere, I feel as though I'm about to lose it when I catch myself starting to reach out and touch her. So I immediately yank my hand back as if I had gotten burned or something. Then I storm upstairs into my bedroom and slam the door before punching my fist through the wall......I don't know if I can do this.

Next chapter will posted soon! :)

Hey guys, sorry didn't post in the last couple of days but have been real busy hope you all had a great and safe fourth of July. But I have the weekend off of work so that means more chapters will be posted and later today (since it's midnight here) I will post more for this one and 'The Billionaire's Curvy Interest'. Love you all and hope you like this longer than usual chapter that I purposely made a little longer to make up for the past couple of days! :) ;)

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