CHAPTER 14: Girls Day Out!!

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For the next several days, it seems like there has been tension between me and Rhydon and quite frankly I'm starting to get irritated. Although then again, maybe I am just overthinking and assuming things.

I have been trying to make every attempt I can to see if he would want me and treat me like a mate that I had overheard days ago from a couple of his guys say.

I have however, seemed to have been getting to know Lorraine a little more and today we're going to be going out to have some girl time which I don't remember there ever being a time in my life that I can remember at least where I have done something like this before. But hey, get's me out of this house. And despite how pissed off this is gonna make Rhydon since he told us we can't, I don't care and besides, he's the one acting like a big asshole.

We had gone into town near the house and saw a movie then went to grab some lunch.

It was a nice little home welcoming type of a feel.

"So, I have to confess something." I hear Lorraine start to tell me right as soon as our food comes and the waiter drops it off and leaves.

"What?" I ask.

"Well, I truly did want to have a girls day with you but I also wanted to talk to you about something." She says.

"What's that?" I ask while putting ketchup onto my fries.

"Do you remember the last few months? Or any part of your life?" She asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask thinking it's a weird and random question.

"I was just curious...of where you come from." She asks me sounding like she wasn't sure in what to ask necessarily.

"Well my mother was a witch and my father was a warlock. They both died when I was little by rogues. Then I don't remember too much but I met Pai...." I stop myself from saying his name. "My uncle. And then one day I ended up being saved by THE Alpha Rhydon." I mocked the last part and we both shared a laugh.

"Yeah, his ego can be up there sometimes." She laughs.

"I'll say. Especially right lately it seems." I mention.

"I know he's not acting like himself, lately." She says as she takes a bite of her food.

"I'm sure it's cause of me to. I mean, I'm a stranger that he has taken in and I can understand it being difficult." I tell her.

"Yes well, it's not necessarily because of you. Just, certain events have happened months ago. He lost his god child and his mate." She says the 'mate' under her breath.

"God child?" I asked while feeling heart broken.

"Yeah. I was pregnant. After we told him he would be a godfather to mine and Corwin's baby, I don't know what happened except I woke up the next day with blood on the sheets and the doctor had told me I lost the baby." She says as she stops eating and leans back in her chair.

After hearing her say that, my heart drops to the bottom of my stomach and I too have suddenly lost my appetite.

"I'm so sorry." I tell her.

"It's okay. We all were going through stuff at the time that I guess my emotions got the best of me and caused the miscarriage." She says as I see her start to fight back some tears.

"Oh my god." I reach over a little bit across the table and place my hand on top of hers as I look into her eyes. "I am truly sorry for what happened to you and even though I don't know what all you guys were going through at the time, I'm sure that everything will be okay." I try to reassure her with a smile.

She smiles back at me and nods her head in agreement before we change the subject and start making each other laugh again before heading back towards the house.

I don't know what I would have done if I had lost a baby.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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