CHAPTER 11: Then Again.....

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I was more relieved and also really happy to hear Gemma say that she'll stay. It would give us some time to figure out in how to help bring back her memory.

I had left Gemma alone to rest before I  headed downstairs into the office where I had asked the Pack Doctor to meet me at when he came out after checking Gemma and told me he needed to speak with me about something important.

The reason I had him wait was because I really needed to see her again, well, both my wolf and I. Then right as Corwin and I started to walk into the office, there staring at the fire while sitting on the sofa near the fireplace, was the doctor.

"So, what did you want to speak with me about?" I asked him as I sat across from him in the arm chair.

He next looks down at his clasped hands before looking back up at me and has a look of bewilderment and some sadness.

"There's been talk Alpha. Ever since these attacks have occurred, everybody's been out of it and distraught. Now, what I'm about to tell you, I understand if you don't believe me and to be honest I'm not sure if I even believe it myself." He begins.

"Just come out and say it Doc." I tell hi..

He lets out a breath before saying anything again.

"While examining Gemma, I had noticed a marking. Not the marking you gave her but something else." He says.

I try to hold in the immediate anger I begin to feel as my wolf is about to come out and start killing somebody because SOMEBODY marked OUR fucking mate!

"What do you mean a different mark?! From who?!" I ask him through clenched teeth as I white-knuckle the arms of the chair.

"The one that took her and murdered those witches and warlocks who helped save her life. And who I have a feeling might also be the one responsible for these attacks." He says. "She has a red marking that is on the back of her upper right back shoulder of the same design that was on your men that were killed. Also..." he stops himself.

"Also what? What makes you think all of this could be the same guy?" I ask even though deep down I really don't want to know the answer.

"Well, when I took her blood, THIS is what it came out as." He shows me a vile in the palm of his hand that looked to be mostly black with a hint of deep red.

"Oh my god." I say under my breath in shock. "I've never seen blood look like that before." I tell him.

"I have." He says. "Again, I'm not a hundred percent sure on this but I promise that I'll find out what all I can. In the meantime however, it's best we keep this between us. We can't risk any of this information getting out and especially having it get back to the Elders from both councils. Because they'll...." He stops himself again before continuing. "Well, we know what they would do to her. " He mentions.

"Of course." I again nod in agreement and try to not think about all what they'd do to her.

"Okay then. I'm gonna go and will keep in touch. However, let me know if you or Gemma need anything in the meantime and I'll be here as soon as I can." He tells me with a smile while patting me on the back. "And don't you worry, she'll come back to you. She's strong. Just remember not to force it." He reminds me.

Again, I just nod in reply as he starts leaving while I remain now standing, staring intensely at the flames as I hear the crackling noise from the wood.

"Alpha?" I hear Corwin from behind me.

"I want you to gather as many Alpha's you can that are still here. Have them meet me tomorrow afternoon where we normally hold our secret meetings. We have some important things to go over." I tell him as I continue to hold back my anger whilst still looking into the fire.

"What do you plan to do?" He asks me.

"You'll find out tomorrow along with the rest of them." I tell him.

"Okay." He says and I hear him leave, closing the door behind him. I was infuriated and enraged beyond control. So many different emotions filled up inside of me all at once.

However, I start realizing that after hearing what all I had just now heard, that even though Gemma is my mate, if I find out she is responsible for all of these recent attacks and it's gonna become hard for me to accept.  Maybe they tried to recruit her and I caught her in time. Then again, maybe it's too late. It could very well be that she is too far gone and has become one of them.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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