CHAPTER 20: Now Comes The Hard Part

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I had woken up and felt still a bit weak but a little bit better than before. I licked my lips and could feel they were more smooth. I wonder if I'm in the hospital. I don't smell the foul smell I endured while in the basement.

While I begin to open my eyes a little bit more and take a look around, I see Rhydon start to walk inside, carrying a few grocery bags in one hand and a tray of some foods and drinks. It all smelled and looked delicious.

He didn't notice I was awake as he quietly closes the bedroom door behind him and slowly starts tip toeing his say towards the dresser where he sets down everything and I can't help but say something before he's startled.

"Hi." I smile.

He looks up through the mirror at me and his widened in surprise as he see's I'm sitting up a little now in bed, looking back at him. He quickly turns around and stands there for a moment.

"H-hey." He smiles back a little with some hesitance in his voice.

We both share an awkward moment of silence before I say something.

"Have you been the one taking care of me?" I ask.

"Yes." He replies while nodding.

"Thank you." I tell him.

He next begins slowly walking towards the bed and sits down beside me on the edge of the bed.

"Gemma, I'm really sorry. I never meant to treat you the way that I did." He begins.

"It's okay. You didn't know. And I didn't make things easy. I'm really sorry for what all I put you guys through. I can't believe I never caught on sooner with that asshole that took me." I tell him.

"Don't be sorry." He says as he scoots closer towards me and has me look at him. "I'm the one who's sorry. I should have ignored the witches when they told me they'd let me know when I could see you. But I didn't and that asshole, he took you because I wasn't there." He stops himself while I notice he's got tears forming in his eyes.

"It's okay. You still never gave up and we found each other again." I tell him while raising one of my arms and place my hand on the side of his face to have him look back at me.

I next feel him place a hand on the other side of my face and gently moves his thumb as we look into each other's eyes.

"I love you Gemma." He tells me.

"I love you too." I tell him.

We both lean in and give each other a kiss on the lips. Then when we pulled apart to catch our breaths, my stomach began to growl. I felt a bit embarrassed while holding it.

"We need to feed those curves." He laughs a little.

"Yes we do. What did you bring me?" I asked him.

"Well, a lot of varieties. Some home cooked, some takeout and even some junk food snacks and drinks. Since it's been a while since you've last eaten, not to mention you did throw up a lot last night." He explains.

"Last night? I don't remember that." I tell him.

"Well, a few days ago, after Corwin had brought you in here, he had told me that you mentioned Kora telling you to get something from a witch that would help detox you from all whatever that asshole that took you gave you." He explains.

"Oh, right. I'm glad you were able to find her." I tell him.

"Yeah, it wasn't easy but we eventually did. I had just gotten back at around eight last night and apparently I had gotten here in time." He finishes.

"Well, I'm glad you did it while I wasn't awake." I laugh to myself a little.

"Yeah, you would have hated it for sure." He says as he stands up and grabs the bags and then the food tray and sets them all down onto the bed before sitting next to me again.

I the first thing I spotted was some taco bell and I grabbed the bag and started diving into the Nachos Bell Grande and after eating half of it, I look at him and offer him some.

"I'm good. There's plenty more to choose from." He laughs a little to himself.

"What? It's been days since I last ate." I tell him.

"I know baby. It's just, you're so beautiful." He tells me.

I stop and look at him while smiling then he wipes some sour cream and nacho cheese in the corner of my mouth with his finger and licks it off.

We sit there for the rest of the day and all night long, eating and talking and almost getting to know each other some more.

It feels great to be back. But now we have to figure out though who this big threat to us that took me and made me forget about Rhydon and everyone else. Yet, I don't remember much.

We are gonna have to think up of something quick whatever it is.

Next chapter will be posted! :)

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