Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Damien’s POV…

(Damien's entertainment room----------->)

I couldn’t help but watch as Gavin with an indulgent smile as he skipped around the living room placing his little Knicks and Knacks amongst my things. My baby has been in a constant state of euphoria since visiting his family and getting his say off his chest. It was like he was finally free to be himself and my heart soared every time his beautiful smile split his face almost in two. After he had left his parents shamed and slacked jawed in their hospital room, I had taken Janice home with a promise of seeing her again very soon and drove to the Hotel and checked in. Gavin had immediately ordered room service, almost his body weight in food, and bounced all over the suite until I made him stop and focus. A lecherous smile curved my lips at the memory of getting him unwind long enough to eat, we had almost missed out on our meal altogether.

The following morning brought a complete surprise as we were getting ready to make the drive back to the airport to return home. Gavin was in the shower and I was doing a last minute sweep of the room to make sure we left nothing of importance behind, when there was a timid knock on the suite’s door. I thought it was room service with our breakfast,  and I grabbed my wallet for the tip and threw open the door only to see Gavin’s brother standing there with a box in his hands and an immediate scowl crossed my face. It had taken all that I had not to pound the shit out of him at the Hospital and now here he was tempting his fucking fate. If it wasn’t for the fact that he looked like he was ready to bolt at any given moment then I maybe I would have cold clocked his ass right then and there.

He had stumbled out a half ass apology and asked if it was alright to drop off Gavin’s personal things. I was about to tell him to fuck off,  that Gavin had everything he needed when my little love came sauntering into the room wearing a huge white bathrobe a few sizes too big for his slender frame. His cornflower blue eyes went wide with shock to see his brother standing there. He took a tentative step forward and asked his sibling what he wanted, and again the young man repeated his words about his personal belongings and wanting to talk to him for a moment before we left the State for good.  And I could see that it was something Gavin wanted by the way his beautiful eyes turned to mine and silently pleaded with me.

It was with a heartfelt sigh that I waved the bastard into the room and closed the door behind him. I shadowed his steps into the small sitting area in the suite and promptly took a seat letting the both of them know I wasn’t going a damn where. This conversation was either going to happen with me in the room or not at all. There was no way in living Hell I was ever going to leave him alone with anyone that shared his DNA ever again, not even over my dead decaying body.

Gary took a seat opposite of me, to my upmost delight, Gavin sank down on the cushions right next to me and took my hand in his much smaller one. I rubbed my thumb over the warm skin on the back of his hand always giving him the silent support he needed. The man looked at our joined hands before taking a deep breath and turning his head to stare out glass doors onto the sunlit patio. He turned back to us after a few minutes and tears shimmered in his eyes as he studied his little brother. I almost felt bad for the son of a Bitch, almost.

Gary’s voice cracked but he plowed on and apologized to Gavin. He went on to explain how he went along with the old man on that horrid day like he had always done. It wasn’t until after the fact of seeing the violent evidence of his brutal beating all over the barn and finding Gavin missing, that the severity if what he had done sank into his conscience. Gary explained that he had wanted to stop Gavin and say he was sorry that night he caught up with him on the bus platform when Gavin was running away from them, but when he looked at his baby brother’s swollen, bruised and battered face, sorry just didn’t seem to be enough so he had let him go.

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