Chapter 24

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After saying his goodbyes to Elaine and Sera, John began to walk back to his dorm. When he left, the sun was beginning to set, as the sky was a nice orange color. He gave a small smile as he continued walking, not noticing two people following him.

As John approached the Boy's Dorm, his senses went into full alert as he sidestepped a green haired kid attempting to attack him from behind. John grabbed his fist, locked his leg in place, and flipped him over onto his back. The kid looked up at John, and started to shiver in fear. The orange was a perfect backdrop as his hair shadowed his glowing eyes.

"Care to explain why you attacked me?"

"Hey Johnny Boy!" A voice cut him off, as he turned to see Zeke approaching him. He deactivated his ability, and looked at Zeke.

"Welcome to the dorms, Johnny Boy."

"What do you want, Zeke?" John could quickly tell that this wasn't going to end on a positive note.

"Woah there, relax! I'm only here to welcome you to the dorms. Since you're new here, I figured I'd explain some things to you. First off, in my presence, you will refer to me as King."

"Yeah, Zeke's the strongest around, so he's our leader!" John stares at Zeke before starting to laugh, which seemed to irritate Zeke.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing. If I remember correctly, Blyke and Isen are here too. They outrank you. I outrank you. You're nothing but trash. Take your lapdog and leave." This seemed to set Zeke off, as he activated his ability and appeared in front of John. Being a little caught off guard, John activated his ability, and managed to grab Zeke's wrist before he could grab his face. John then kneed him in the stomach, and kicked him backwards, causing him to roll on the ground.

People had been looking out their windows as Zeke confronted John, and was now getting his ass handed to him. Blyke and Isen were watching nearby, in case something happened.

"Woah, I didn't know John was that strong." Blyke said, looking at Isen. Isen didn't say anything, but instead continued to stare at John and Zeke.

Zeke stood up slowly, wiping the blood from his lip. He clenched his fists and he went to move forward, only to find John in his face.

"What...?" Zeke quickly switched to his defensive form, as his skin turned blue and he barely was able to block John's punch. He was pushed across the grass as he fell to a knee, his arms already bruising from John's punch. John stood there, waiting.

"Is that all?" Zeke stood up slowly, letting his anger get the better of him. He took off towards John, who only smirked in response. He sidestepped Zeke, and looked at Blyke, who looked at John in awe. Blyke felt something wrong with him, and what he saw next confirmed his thoughts on what had happened. John pointed a finger at Zeke's legs, and shot a black and white beam through them, making him fall on his face.

"Wait...that's MY ability!? How did he...!"

Zeke tried to stand up, but found he couldn't. John walked over to him and put his foot on his back, and shoved him back down to the ground.

"Don't you ever challenge me again." Was all John said before he used Zeke's ability to knock him out with a chop to the neck. He looked at Zeke for a minute, and had a flashback of New Bostin. John then bent down and brought the last of Elaine's aura he had within him out, and began to heal Zeke's more major wounds. Once he was fine, John walked away, leaving him unconscious.

Everyone who was watching didn't know what to do. Most of them had heard that John beat Arlo, but none of them could actually believe it until they saw some proof. Now that John decimated Zeke, it was fair to assume that the rumors were probably true. Blyke and Isen, along with a few other kids walked over to Zeke and began to take him back to his room.

John sat down in his room, sighing.

"This was probably the one thing I hate most about being King. People challenging you. There's gotta be a better system than the hierarchy..." That was when John remembered something Remi told him. She had talked about how her brother had led. There was no hierarchy. The strong helped the weak. Less fights happened. Maybe, just maybe, that system would be better.

""Well...starting tomorrow I'm taking this hierarchy down."

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