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Chapter 14|I have never been a monster

Kind words cost nothing

                     ✧A TRIAL WAS held a month after their arrest and they were all accused of years and years in jail

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A TRIAL WAS held a month after their arrest and they were all accused of years and years in jail. The girl had to testify against them and he stood alongside her and made sure that she was all right and she could do it. When she could not speak, he spoke for her and read her words. And together they defeated the ones who ruined her life. And as she was still a minor, he offered to give her a home in his house until she comes of age and can provide for herself and the judge approved as she only trusted him. When dealing with a child that has suffered through things like that, it's good that they are comfortable and staying with people they trust. Putting her in the system can do more harm than good. Besides, she will be legal in a few years.

When the girl wasn't in pain and no one was hurting her, she started to open up to other people. And as soon as that happened something else happened to her. Not only is she able to read minds form others but she's learning how to control it. With him helping her, of course. They are doing the thing that she never thought possible, controlling the gift she was giving. She now believes that she was given a gift instead of a curse. Learning how to accept was a difficult process and it took her a few months to realize that she was blessed.

Now she can control what thoughts enter her mind and from whom. There is also something else. While learning how to control it she realizes that she can also send thoughts from herself to other people. That was she can communicate with people without writing things down, but she only has done it with him. As other people don't know of the things that she is capable of doing, she's not ready to tell other people and the world. She's just beginning to learn the things she can do and doesn't want to be experimented on like before.

The things she had learned about her gifts is just the beginning and she has yet to discover what other things she can do with the ability. She can do a lot more with it and with time she will learn everything and can control it. The only thing that kept her away from the things she's capable of doing was the pain that she suffered from, the fear and the negative thoughts that she had in her head also paid a big part in her not accepting the blessing.

A year has passes since everything happened and the two of them grew even closer than ever and love began to blossom between them. They started to date. The two of them could do anything they wanted. He finally got the degree he wanted and became a well-known psychologist. Because she doesn't quite trust anyone that much, it gets harder for her to find a job. She ended up to working with him, as a secretary. Their story has not come to end, even though this one is. Adventures awaits them and they will discover it together. The girl with the Telepathic ability has started a new world and a new age has begun.

✧The End✧

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