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Chapter 9|You brought me down, but it only made me stronger

A depressed girl isn't a lost cause until she gives up on herself

                     ✧THE TWO OF them spent the whole night just talking

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THE TWO OF them spent the whole night just talking. He talked while she listened. He would tell her everything about himself. About his family and his life. The only thing he didn't tell her was the thing that he was studying. He figured that telling her wouldn't make any of this better, she would be afraid of him. What he doesn't know is that she knows what he is studying. She read his mind, without even trying to. She can't help it, the thoughts just keep coming into her brain without her doing anything. She can't stop it, not does she know if it can be stopped.

He tried to ask her about herself, but she never talked about herself. Somehow she got away with that. Something about this boy makes her trust him, and she doesn't want to lose him. Perhaps he could be her friend, then again when she tells him, or writes it down then he will leave her. She isn't ready for that yet. But, the truth will come up, eventually. As it always does.

As the sun started to make her appearance, the rays of light shining light on the world, she realizes what is coming for her. She instantly grows afraid and stand sup from the steps outside. Taking the notebook with her, she goes inside. Not even explaining everything to him. She will be going outside soon, but she hopes that he will leave in the meantime and then she can go to the doctor. She doesn't want him to follow her and know what has been happening to her, that would be bad. Not only for her but for him and her family.

While her family may not love her, she loves them. Going into her a apartment and into her room, she looks outside the window and notices that he is gone, hoping that he doesn't come back. But, she can't deny that she didn't like the time they spend together, she liked to listen to him speak. He had a voice that she likes to listen to speak. And his thoughts are pure, he never thinks of himself. He's always thinking of his family and helping people. She can already tell that he is unlike anyone she's ever met or listened to thoughts from others. She wants to know him more, she doesn't know why. She's never felt this way about anyone before and wants to know what she's feeling.

Waiting for some hours, she goes back outside. This time, to the bus station to take the bus. When she left, her parents were still asleep, after the fun they have had, they will need it. While they sleep, she will be going through hell. Again. Her heart is already racing in her chest, her palms sweaty. The bus ride is rather quiet, only few people are on it. Mostly old people who are going to swimming. Most of them are thinking of all the crazy things that the young people re coming up with today and how no one came up these ideas when they were young.

Riding the bus has never be fun for her, there are always so strange thoughts, but that is something she's used to. The building looks the same as it did the day before, but she knows the terrors that holds inside and she shakes with fear when she remembers what had happened the day before. She doesn't know if she will be able to live with that pain again. She knows for sure that she might not live through this. It might be the last day on earth, she will die in more pain than she has ever been in.

She nearly died yesterday and it's sure that today she will have to go more pain now than it was then. He said it himself and one thing she knows about him is that he never lies. Walking in with so much fear that she might even faint from the fear. The woman by the front desk waves her inside, not caring to talk to her this time, she's so busy reading some magazine. She was too busy reading it that she didn't notice a second person walking inside and following the girl, still making sure that the person isn't seen by her.

The girl walks down the hallway and the person follows right after her. She then stops right in her tracks in front of a door. Before she knows, she just stands there, watching the door with so much fright. She can hear her heart start to beat faster in her chest, and she's afraid her heart is going to give out, from beating from so fast. She then knocks on the door and waits. The door opens and she walks inside, slowly. The person walks over to the door but didn't make it inside before it closed, but did manage to catch a glimpse inside of the room.

But, didn't see much of what is inside. Slowly the person opens the door and looks inside the room, still didn't open it too big for the people inside to see that someone is looking at them. "What is going on down there?" The person whispers to themselves, when they see that this room is dark and full of things that make no sense. "You see, I can do whatever I want with you, because your parents agreed to it. They even signed it, meaning, I own you until they want you back. If they ever want you back that is" The doctor laughs with so much hatred and wicked voice that makes her sick. The person opens the door wider and notices what is happening inside. The girl tied up with tears streaming down her face and a man holding a knife over her. "What the hell?!"

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