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Chapter 4|My heart breaks in front of you

The pain in my body, tells me I'm still alive and I should keep fighting

❝The pain in my body, tells me I'm still alive and I should keep fighting❞

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HER EYES OPEN by a bright light shining down on her. The light blinds her eyes so much that she forced to close them again. Her body is aching all over and is just straight up numb. She feels like a truck has hit her about three times and just left her on the ground. Every muscle that her body holds is on fire. She tries to move her hand, but agonizing pain goes through her whole body as she moves. She opens her eyes again to see what's causing the pain and when her eyes are used to the blind white light, she notices that she lies on a cold metal table. Her hands and legs are bound with leather restraints. They're tight around her limp and keep her from going anywhere.

Her tired eyes, look at her surroundings. Slowly her head moving, to not send more pain waves on her body, she's not sure if she can take anymore. She's still in the basement, but doesn't see anyone. 'This should do the trick' She hears his voice, and knows that he's somewhere in the room. As the light shining so brightly on her, it's preventing her from seeing everything in the room and she found out that her vision is limited. 'The bitch won't know what hit her' She keeps hearing. Her mind is running with possibilities of what he will do to her, but all she's doing is scaring herself.

Whatever he's planning for her will be painful. It will take a toll on her, both physically and mentally. Not that he'd care about how she feels. All he wants his her pain and agony and as she can't scream, he likes to torture her until she passes out and then wakes up again to get tortured once more. Her life is never easy and she can't remember a time when she was happy, though she can't be able to speak, she can feel. She's human, like everybody else. The only difference is, she's gifted. Gifted with an ability that shouldn't exist in this time period, the human race doesn't understand it now, but they will in the future and would have been alright if she had been born then.

Footsteps come to her ears and her heart starts beating faster in her chest, racing like a car in a car race. Her palms become sweaty and she closes her eyes, the fear taking over her body. The footsteps grow even closer and before she knows it, he's standing over her. His head beneath the light, so it doesn't shine on her face anymore. She can practically feel him staring into her brain. "Wake up, you stupid bitch!" He yells at her. Afraid of what he might do to her, if she doesn't wake up now, she's quick to open her eyes. Relieved that the light isn't shining straight into her eye balls. "That's it, good girl" He laughs while he talks. She hates everything he does with burning passion.

When her eyes meet his, all she feels is fear. She might even pass out again, all from fear. The man in front of her can make her feel more fear than she had felt in all her life. "Now that you're awake, we can begin. I wanted you to be awake to experience this first hand. Don't worry. This will only hurt... a lot" He says and laughs as he moves away, making the white light burn straight into her again. Her body begins to shake with fear and he only smiles wickedly, knowing what effect he has on her and he's loving it. 'This will be so much fun, and the ending's the best part' His mind doesn't make any sense to her, but neither does he.

The man comes back to her with anther syringe and she can remember what pain she went through the last time he had a syringe, and that only happened few hours ago. Now, she doesn't know what to think. She's already been drugged with something and she wonders how she's not dead yet, the pain was too much for her to handle, she's not sure of she will be able to handle more of that pain. "Now, this is something special that I made. I call it Pain. Do you know why?" He asks, looking at her. His eyes hold nothing but madness and his sinister smile is enough to have her shaking with fear of him.

Slowly she shakes her head, not sure if she should or should not answer the questions, as she can't speak, she has to use body language to express herself. He takes her hand, sending the wave of pain throughout her body. It's like electricity going through a wire that's on water, only she's the wire. Forcing the syringe into her shoulder, he pushes a clear liquid into her blood stream. Unlike the other one, she doesn't feel a thing. She was expecting more pain than she had experienced before my but the pain doesn't come. Thinking that the serum that he used doesn't work, and that she's safe. Once her eyes look up at him, she notices that he's still smiling.

"Because, the pain that your body will experience will more double. For example, let's use this hammer" He tells her and pick up a hammer, that he had in his pocket. He hits her fingers, but lightly and not fast. However, the pain that goes through her is worse than she would have expected. It hurts so much for her. Tears run down her cheeks, unable to stop it. "Good, it works. Now let the fun begin" He says and unbuckles his belt and pulls down his pants, going on top of her. "This will be so good" He tells her. She closes her eyes and waits for her pain to come and this to be over.

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