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Chapter 13|Everyone comes together with food

Death seems more inviting than life

                     ✧AFTER HE READ every word that she had written on the pages, his mind was racing with thoughts

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AFTER HE READ every word that she had written on the pages, his mind was racing with thoughts. He felt sympathy and guilt that he did not know her sooner, he could have helped her. And perhaps prevented some of the things that had happened to her. As he is a bit older than she is, he doubt that he would have met her sooner. He might have seen her, but never payed much mind to her. He finally looks at her.

She doesn't look at him, her gaze is on the floor and tear streaming down her face. She told him something that she has never told anyone in her life, she hasn't even met that many people that she can tell something like that. Setting the pages down on the table and goes over to the girl hand wraps his arms around her. She cries in his chest and allows him to hug her. "It's going to be all right. The police will arrests that man and your parents. What they did to you is inhuman and they will pay" He tells her.

She looks up at him with a puzzled look. "Your parents will be going to jail for child abuse, and every doctor that has done anything to will be going for the same. The other doctor will be for child abuse and child assault, as you are still a minor. This case will go before a judge and he will send them all to jail" He says, trying to explain to her as simple as possible. He's not sure if she understand the law, as if she knew the laws then she could have sued them a long time ago. Then again, the fact that she can't even speak could have prevented her from doing that and that is why she was an easy target for them. She could not tell the police or anyone anything because she can't talk.

Again she gives him a confused look, as more tears run down her cheeks from her eyes. He wipes away her tears with the sleeve of his sweater. "In short words, all of them are going away for a very long time and they will never touch you again" He tells her and continues to hug her and rock her back and forth, his hand stroking her back trying to calm her down. He knows that telling him this must not have been easy for her. At least she trusted him enough to tell him.

She feels so embarrassed that he now know everything and she feels horrible for reading his mind, she doesn't want to. 'I need to be there for her, she needs someone now' He thinks, and so much more. She hears each and every thought that he is thinking and his mind is racing with thoughts that are confusing even for her. Still her own mind is racing with questions, she doesn't understand how he can just make sure that no one hurts her again and how can he make sure that they will never see her again.

She takes an empty page from the table and write one question on it and hands it to him. "What will happen to me?" He reads her question. She has been wondering where she could stay and be now that her parents will be taken away and she can't be in her apartment. The people in the other apartments, her neighbors never payed any attention to her and her family and some even hated her parents and how they sometimes acted. "You can stay with me, and stay as long as you like. If you want of course" He tells her. She nods her head.

Being with him is the only place that she feels safe and she wants to stay with him. But, she can't thank him enough for all he has done for her and what he will do for her in the future. He hasn't abandoned her when he found out the truth about her and that makes her trust him even more than she already has. "Want to help me cook?" He asks her, as he hears her stomach growl from hunger. It hurts him to hear it. Nodding her head, she stands up with him and the two of them go into the kitchen. He takes the bags into the kitchen and sets them on the kitchen counter. "I'm going to make Lasagna, it's good" He says.

Together the two of them started making the Lasagna. She listened to him and did exactly what he told her to do. He found out that she is a very good listener and will listen to every words that he speaks and doesn't ignore them. She also has never cooked anything in her life and she doesn't know what to do and needs him to help her and guide her through it. As her parents never taught her to cook or anything. The only thing they taught her was that she was never meant for this world. She learned that she loves listening to his voice and that he does enjoy to speak. She only wishes that she were able to tell him how much she appreciates him and him being there for her.

The Lasagna is taken out of the oven and put on the table. He puts some on her plate and then on his. When she puts a bite into her mouth, she feels the flavor explode in her mouth. She has never tasted anything as good as this and it shows on he face. He chuckles when he sees this. He also takes a bite and for the first time, he loves it. He has never really enjoyed Lasagna that much but not that she has made it with him, he loves it. "Tomorrow we will make something else" He tells her and she smiles.

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