Valintine's day

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Draco's POV

It's Valentine's Day and I've finally got the courage to ask harry out, yeah that's right, I'm not calling him Potter anymore, after what happened with Ginny, I finally realised that harry is the only one for me, and if she takes him... I don't know what I would do.

I decided to buy harry a card and one of those cheap toys he always wanted from the joke shop. I wrapped it up, by hand since I couldn't use magic or else I would of been excluded, and then decided to hand it to Harey when I have the chance. Pansy suggested to give him a rose since it's 'romantic', she also said to hurry up, because apparently I'm in competition with Ginny.

I paced down the hall with my present in my bag, when I saw a glimpse of Ginny and harry together, I grind my teeth together. Pansy was right, I bet their flirting. I walked a bit faster to catch up to harry and Ginny, until I saw Ginny pass harry a rose and laughed a really girly giggle. I was too late.
I was torn apart and heart broken. Hatred bubbles in my guts. I hate her, I hate him, I hate everybody and everything, how could he do this to me?

Later that day, he walked up to me, "hey Draco! Guess what?" He said happily.
"What?" I said sharply, I guess he knew the tone since his expression changed, but he carried on anyway, "Ginny asked me out! Isn't that great?!"
"Yeah totally"
"What's gotten into you?"
"Nothing, go hang out with Ginny if there's something wrong with me"
"I never said that, and did you ask out who your crush is?"
"Why not? I asked Ginny out and I said yes and-"
"Draco! What did I do to you?!"
"YOU BROKE MY HEART! I LOVED YOU!" I threw my present, my card and my rose at him and ran away to the big oak tree in tears.

Harry's POV

I was shocked. Even thought draco ran off, I decided to give him time to cool off. He... he loved me? I opened the present, the toy I always wanted, I opened the card:

Dear harry,

I love you, I just didn't know how to tell you in person, I guess I was just scared that you weren't gay and would reject me, but it's ok now, because life is too short to wait and I wanted to tell you how I feel, I love you harry, I always have since first year, I hope you return my feelings.

From draco.

I messed up, really bad, I clutched the rose and ran to Draco's favourite spot, the big oak tree. When I arrived, I found draco curled up in a ball. "Go away harry, go to Ginny or something" he said miserably. "Draco get up" he reluctantly got up. "Yeah?" He said meekly.

I kissed him.

His eyes widened in surprise, "I love you too" I whispered and hugged him really tight. "I...i" he stuttered. "I know, I'm sorry" i said, tears welled into my eyes. "I-it's Ok" he mumbled, "now let go of me" we laughed weakly at each other. "So are we now a-?" "Yeah I guess" I interrupted.

Holding hands, we made our way back to hogwarts.


Authors notes:

Hey! I know this fanfiction was short, but I really enjoyed making it and I hope you liked reading it!

But now, I've got many more ideas I wanna get down, and I can't wait to share it with you guys! And again, I hope you liked this short fanfic and have a great day :)

Happy reading!

- msz1ggy

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