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Authors notes:

Thanks potterheaddrarry101 and everyone who reads my fanfictions and has been supportive :D

And 183 reads, SCREEEEEEECH

Thank you guys so so much, I appreciate everything!

I just realised now that you can put text in the middle *face plam* I'm so dumb 😆

Now enough bla bla and Time to get into my fanfiction 😂

Happy reading! -msz1ggy


Harry's POV

As I hurried down the stair case, I witnessed some long light blond hair turning a corner. "Hello?" I said as my voice echoed down the corridor.

I turned the corner and saw a ravenclaw. "Um where are you going?" I asked, "the dining hall is that way" I pointed. "Oh my gosh! Your Harry Potter! The one everyone talks about, I can't believe I can finally meet you and oh my gosh I..." I kinda zoned out of her mini speech and fangirling since I was kind of used to it by now.

"I just want to say, let's be friends!" She exclaimed with a sweet smile. I mean, I don't know who she is but she seems nice enough... even though she appears to be a bit um... peculiar. Well I don't mean to be rude or anything, her earrings are just strangely shaped and coloured.

I nodded, "of course! I would like that" I said politely. "By the way," I added, "where were you going?" "Um" I can tell she was trying to make something up, "I was uh, going to potions?" I could hear the questioned tone in her voice.
"Oh come on, we become friends and now you can't tell me where your going?"
"But, wai- huh, how did you know I was bluffing?"
"Even though ravenclaws are smart, your not very good at lying"
"No but I've been practising!"
"What? In the mirror?"
"Oh my god"
"What was I supposed to do then?!"
"Right, whoever you are. Can you tell me where your going and if your meeting anyone tell me?"
"Fine, but don't you dare go snooping about ok?"
"Ok, I promise"
"I'm going to meet Ron at the library"
"Why? He fancy you?"
"Wha-?! No no no, something else, we're just doing uh- home... HOMEWORK!" She said furiously, but in a confused type of way.

*time skip*
*(woop, you've never seen these in a long time)*

"Why isn't ron here yet?" I said out loud whilst playing with my roasted potatoes.
"Oh harry, for the seventh time, Ron's in the library doing homework with that girl in Ravenclaw." Hermione repeated.

"He's probably flirting with her" I replied, feeling a bit bored without him. "And why would you assume that?" She asked. "I dunno, but he probably is" I said disappointedly. "Um ok," she replied while staring at her plate of vegetable soup.

I walked back to my dorm disappointedly, why didn't ron show up? He's usually really hungry and has a huge appetite. Is he ok?


I heard Ron's voice in the cellar and quickly rushed in, banging the creaky wooden door as I do so.

"Ron are you ok?!" I yelled, pointing my wand in any direction my instincts told me. "Who are you?!" I boomed, "and what are you doing to my best friend?!" The figure was holding a bloody knife, ron was in a horrible state, his cheek cut and badly bleeding.

The character turned around, I gasped loudly. "Draco?" I grabbed ron and jumped back, "how could you?" I whispered shakily, hot angry tears dropped down my face. "I-I... I thought we where friends! But I guess we aren't!!! You could of told me that sooner, i could of stayed out of your way" I huffed, "bye malfoy, hope your happy about what you've done."

"N-no Potter! It's a misunderstanding! I didn't do it I-" malfoy began, holding his arm out. I was too furious with him to even let him make his stupid excuses, I turned my back on him and glared from behind my shoulder, "save your excuses malfoy, I made my mind up, I. HATE. YOU" and with that, I helped ron up and walked to our common room together.

Hermione's POV

I was reading the second half of the book I borrowed from the library, it was really quite interesting.

As I continued, harry came in through the doorway with ron behind him. I looked up to greet them, but soon realised that something went wrong. Ron's face was trickled with blood and harry was in a state, I could tell that Harry's been crying. "What ever happened to you boys?" I asked, bookmarking my book, placing it neatly on my pile of library books and getting up from my seat.

Harry started stuttering and streams of tears rolled down his cheek. "Hey hey, calm down, take a seat and when your ready tell me, I'll help ron in the meantime." I suggested, harry only nodded like usual.

"Come on ron, I got a first aid kit" I said whilst leading the way to the nurse. "Since when can you do first aid? Isn't that like a muggle act?" Ron said annoyingly. I only rolled my eyes, "by my newest book! Obviously!" "Oh right" He said back.

"We'll be back harry, don't worry." I comforted facing harry, then slowly exiting the common room.


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