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Harry's POV

It's nearly February 14th, Valentine's Day. "Ugh! Everyone is asking someone out, except from me!" I panicked to my two best friends, ron and Hermione. "Harry! We told you! Don't get too worked up about it" Hermione states. "Yeah, and besides, don't you like draco?" Ron commented. "No need for input RONALD DONALD" I shot back, "huh! I'll figure out a way, I'll be outside if you need me" I said, making my way outside.

As I walked, I accidentally bumped into Ginny and she dropped her papers and folders. "Sorry Ginny! Let me help you pick it up" she flushed and looked down at the ground, I crouched and picked up her belongings, "here-" I was about to say, but from the corner of one of the pages, there where hearts scattered, with someone's name on, wonder who? "N-no! Dont touch that!" She said quickly, whacking my hand and snatching the stack of paper.

"S-Sorry, I d-didn't mean to be rude" she stuttered, covering her face with her folders, cute. "W-Well I better get going" "Ok, see you around Ginny!" I think that was the first time I've actually noticed Ginny, she seems nice, I should hang out with her more often, and who knows? I might not be gay after all.

I chuckled to myself and went on with my day.

Draco's POV

I was walking round the corner to the Gryffindor common room, until I heard two familiar voices. I decided to sneak behind the corner of the sturdy wall and have a little nosy. I poked my head over the side, just enough to see who it is... Ginny and harry.

It appears as if they were having a good conversation... or maybe even... flirting? I didn't know what I felt, but it wasn't very pleasant. Right there and then, I would of shot a spell at Ginny, harry doesn't deserve that stupid girl! She's a Weasley! Weasleys are poor and pathetic!

But I stopped myself, if i did, he wouldn't want to be friends again and i can't afford to screw up again, not now, while he's talking to her. I should let him have some freedom, he doesn't need me all the time, but the problem is, I need him all the time...yet, he doesn't know it(a/n i know it's cringy, just deal with it 😂).

I walked away, feeling foolish and angry... maybe that's not the right term... I was probably more... jealous. Who am I kidding? Harry will never really love me, I'm a boy after all, and this proves that he isn't gay.

I should probably give up on him.

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