Slytherin common room

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Harry's POV

I tugged on Malfoy's sleeve and bolted for it. I couldn't stand talking to pansy after what happened, she chased after us but tripped over a root and fell a foot deep into the snow. I snickered and just kept running, malfoy trailing behind me.

We reached the painting to the Gryffindor common room "whopping willow" I said hurriedly, the lady on the portrait gave me a suspicious expression but let us enter anyways, just as I was about to enter, she realised that malfoy was a slytherin and didn't allow malfoy in. We dashed towards the dungeons and ran through the cold corridors, pansy not far behind.

"Come on Potter! Into our common room!" Malfoy whispered quickly, he whispered his password and we swiftly slipped in. When we entered, we looked around for a place to hide. Pansy's voice spoke outside and we looked at each other in a panic...

Pansy's POV

How dare they run away from me and not help me up!! This is outrageous! I trudged to our common room and stormed in, knowing they would be there, "Ah Ha!" I shouted, but there was no one there. I checked under the table and behind the book shelves. My anger faded and confusion flooded my mind, where are they? "Harry? Draco?" I said quietly, they must have created a dilution to trick me! I stormed out the entrance and disappeared into the mirky corridors.

Draco's POV

"Shhh!" I hissed at Potter, we were hidden in a closet in my common room. It was quite small and there was barely any space so Potter was infront of me and was leaning his back on my chest. Dear merlin, his hair was shoved right in front of my face. It smelt good, like cinnamon and fresh air. I mentally slapped myself at the thought, and isn't Potter going to question what happened? You know, in the cafe. My ears burned up at the thought, why did I think that was such a good idea?!

Pansy was looking around, fire burning in her eyes. Potter was shaking and leaning on me, it was getting really annoying, "can you stop shaking?!" I whispered. "Sorry!" He replied, "just that I don't want to face her again you know?" "Uh yeah I get it" I answered. It was getting quite hot in here, and my neck was cramping due to my head bumping the ceiling, lucky for Potter, he could stand up properly, unlike me.

Finally pansy lefted in a fit of anger and stormed off, at least she didn't check the closet. Both me and Potter where equally sweaty. "Phew" I said allowed.

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