Over the holidays

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Harry's POV

ITS GETTING CLOSER TO CHRISTMAS!!! I never really enjoyed Christmas at the Dursley house hold, since I never got any gifts, only more leftover scraps of food than usual.... and more dishes to wash up. But now, now I'm at hogwarts, at Christmas, Mrs Weasley always sends one of her homemade pastries and a knitted woolly jumper, it always brightens my day.

Being at hogwarts over the Christmas holidays wasn't that bad, malfoy's always there I guess, but what I usually do is just climb a tall sturdy tree and just read while I sit on a branch, it's a good thing I could always get down... that's where I am now, on top of a tree.

It's getting a bit cold out here, it's just 4pm yet the sun is already setting, I should really go inside, but meh, I'll stay out for a bit longer, I could just enjoy the view of hogwarts.

I was gazing down and looking at the fields when a green scarfed person walked out the doors of hogwarts. Is that a teacher?! If they are then I'm going to be banned from ever going outside again! I double checked to see if it was a teacher, but relieved that it was just malfoy.

"Hey malfoy!" I called out, "nice hat you got there!" His hat looked out of his style, purple with pink stripes. He walked round in circles until he realised that I was way above him. "Potter! What on earth are you doing up there?!" He yelled, "it's getting cold out and i was looking for you, I always wonder why you go outside, now i know that you just like being dangerous!"  I rolled my eyes, "So what? It's better than staying in there!" I yelled back and pointing towards hogwarts. "Just come down!" He screamed.

"You act like such a child" malfoy face palms due to the fact that I fell down the last few branches.
"Ouch, and you act like such a dad!" I said as I was upside down due to my show lace getting stuck on a branch. "Here let me assist you" he exclaimed, sheesh, why does he have to be so proper?

He walked towards my face. For a split second, I thought he was going to kiss me... but as I closed my eyes, I fell onto the ground with a thud, "there, I undid your laces" He said proudly, ugh, way to go to kill the moment. "Ouch, that hurt" I yelped in pain.

"What you want me to do?" He asked sarcastically, "kiss your sorry head to make it better?" I couldn't believe my ears, i felt my face heat up, but I didn't want to loose against him, "that would be nice" i replied smugly, he blushed with a confused expression, I was trying hard not to laugh at him, but I really did want one, this would be the closest to him I've ever gotten.

"W-what? Really? I mean unless you want to" I pretended not to hear it, "What  was that? I couldn't hear you" i said smirking, I wanted to confirm what he was saying. He covered his face with his scarf, "nothing, come on Potter, let's go" he replied through his green scarf. "Aw but my head hurts, you have to kiss it better" I said, pretending to be sad to guilt trip him. "Fine, but only because this is going to be quick," he replied. He pecked my on the head then grabbed my hand.

"Let's go!" He pulled my hand and dragged me inside without saying a word, why is he acting like this? Such a soft kind kid on the inside, but mean and serious on the outside? And he's been acting strange around me again, did I do something wrong?  Hope not, I don't want to ruin our friendship.

He is my crush.

Draco's POV

*time skip to Saturday*

Its the morning and i decided to hang out in the slytherin common room, pansy was saying over the holidays since she heard I was.

I took a seat on a chair in the corner, thinking about what happened on Thursday. How could Potter be so smooth with his words? How am I falling into his trap?! "Are you thinking bout harry?" My deep thoughts were rudely interrupted by pansy.

"What do you want?" I asked


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