The library (part 2)

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Harry's POV

I wasn't even half listening to Hermione's lecture. I yawned and lay my head on the table. "So that's all you have to write harry! It's just simple really, just add a few more sentences after each point and you'll be done in no time!" Hermione exclaimed. My eyes finally flung open and I sat up, "um, what?" I groaned.
"Did you even listen to me?!"
"Well I was, but then you started talking and you were going on and on and on and on and..."
"Ok ok! I get it!" Hermione said frustratedly, "and besides, I need to finish my light reading"

I slowly wrote my essay with my lazy eyes. "Im going to go to our common room, it's getting quite late. I'll see you in the morning harry" Hermione said, breaking the silence. I just nodded in reply, I was too tired to say anything.

I heard Hermione's decreasing footsteps as I continued writing the next half of my essay. My eyelids started getting heavier and heavier and soon, I closed my sleepy eyes and drifted off.

Draco's POV

I can't really sleep. I could either go to the kitchen and steal some food, or go to the library to read some books.

After a few moments of silent thought, I decided to go to the library to read a few books to get me sleepy, and after all, I really need to start to read more books anyway.

I swiftly and quietly walked down the halls with my robes billowing behind me. As I entered the library, I realised a tiny lamp that has probably been forgotten to be turned off in the corner. The more I got closer to the lamp, the more I thought that I could hear someone breathing softly, it was actually really soothing.

Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to check who was there. I made my way through the bookshelves and witnessed a lamp casting a shadow of a sleeping student, at least that was what it has appeared to be in my mind. But who out of all hogwarts would be sleeping in the library?! I turned the last turns and my mind flung into pure shock.


Potter's circular glasses were crooked against his face and his fingers wrapped around a sharp quill.
Obviously doing his essay at the last minute, how typical of him.

Well what do I do now? I can't take him back to my dorm, everyone would question why I brought him there at 4:52 am. And if I take him to dumbldore (I can't spell) then he would ask me why I was up so early. I sat down next to Potter and pondered about what to do next.

You know what? I'll take him to his common room and tell the portrait to go to the one in the Gryffindor boys' dormitory and tell stupid Weasley to come pick him up.


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OH MA GAWSH!!!! Thanks for getting me and my bestie potterheaddrarry101 to 100 and over reads!!! We really appreciate your support. :D

Happy reading.   -msz1ggy

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