"What have i done?"

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Draco's POV

(I promise there's gonna be a Harry's POV soon :P)

Why did I do this? I'm not usually the type of guy to have romantic fantasies about other people, and I've never felt so confused in my entire life! Do I hate him or not?! Am I gay or straight?!

My goal was to just study hard, forget everything else, get good grades and be the most powerful wizard in the whole wizarding world! And definitely not to be distracted by 'the boy who lived'. And totally not in a romantic way!

"Stupid boys, where else could they have gone?!" Pansy's voice hugged as her footsteps could be heard. At this moment in time, I didn't care if she found us.

She turned the corner and her eyes were as wide as saucers, "DRACO AND HARRY! HOW DARE YOU RUN AWAY AND-" "Pansy, this is not the time" I interrupted. "BUT DRACO YOU RAN AWAY FROM ME AND I AM UTTERLY OFFENDED SO YOU BETTER-" "PANSY!!!" I yelled and slammed my fists on the table, she stepped back in surprise and looked hurt. "I-I'm Sorry" I apologised, Potter and pansy had horrified expressions on their faces.

Pansy looked like she was about to burst into tears, "I-I'm leaving" she declared through sobs. "Pansy Wait, I didn't mean to-" "bye draco malfoy" she said sharply before exiting. I turned my head to face Potter. "Do you hate me too?" I asked, he looked everywhere just to avoid my eye contact. "I... I really should get going" he answered meekly. "Not you to?" I said apologetically. "Sorry dra- malfoy" as he exited the common room.

I slumped down onto the chair, he's never called me malfoy out loud since we were eleven. What have I done? I buried my face in my arms.

This is all my fault...


Authors notes: hey! This chapter ended in a sad note, but anyways, I might write a long chapter next ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Happy reading!


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