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enjoy my garbage children!

"Come on Nadia. We said we'd discuss it at home, we're home now. Give me my smokes!" Chase said.

"No way! You took some of my pills!" Nadia said, putting the cigarettes in her back pocket.

"I only took a few. Besides, it probably does nothing."

"That's ecstasy you dipshit!"

"Holy shit Nadia! This stuff is kind of illegal."

"At least I don't have acid!"

"How the hell did you even find my stash?"

"You hid it in the exact same spot I did!"

Chase huffed. How did he not notice her stuff? (chase is dumb)

"Well, I promise not to tell if you don't." Nadia said.

"I promise." Chase said.

"Are we bad people for having these?"

"No. Hell, look at us Nads! We're broken! My parents are dead and you were raped and abused. What do you expect from low life's like us?"

Chase knew he was right. Him and Nadia truly had no reason to really do anything with their lives. He didn't have his parents, and she was traumatized beyond repair. They were broken, and nobody wanted to fix them, hell, nobody could fix them. They were pitiful, but they didn't give two shits. Their motto was, "Fake it till you make it." However, Chase thought it was too bad that they'd never make it.


"He's not answering Lauren. Nadia isn't answering either." Will said, putting his phone down.

"I tried calling Chase but he didn't pick up." Lauren sighed, putting her's down too.

"Lauren, call Nadia."

"There's no point. She didn't answer you."

"Lauren, there's no harm in trying."

"I just feel really bad about what I did yesterday. She's probably blocked me."

"Just try. If it actually goes through to voicemail, at least you know you didn't get blocked." Will shrugged.

Would Nadia really block her? Lauren didn't know at that point. Nadia was acting like a completely different girl, and if Lauren was being honest, she was too.

She pressed dial. One ring, two rings, three rings, and then-



"You skate too?" Brynn asked, surprised at Emily's seemingly many talents.

"Yep. Pretty cool right?" Emily smiled, "My sister taught me."

"How old is she?"

"Was she," Emily said sadly, "You mean how old was she. She passed away a year ago, which is why I moved schools."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"It's okay. I don't really want many people knowing."

"Well, how old was she?"

"She was 19. And she was the coolest."

"What was her name?"

"Her name was Lauren."

Brynn smiled. Emily was a really good person. She felt bad for misjudging her.

"I never asked but, who is it you like?"

"Well, I probably shouldn't say this because you're really close to her girlfriend."

"Who?" Brynn really wanted to know.



daddy 😍



u should come over like rn
i'm lonely 😔

what's in it for me?

spending time with me ;)
maybe having some fun
u won't know unless u come

im omw rn


"You're what until she what?" Mandla was looking at Kenzie like she was crazy.

She was currently hanging out with what had become her family of four, including herself. Cayman and Kenzie were the children and Maisy and Mandla were the parents trying to keep them from doing anything stupid.

"I told her that I was going to kiss her everyday until she loves me." Kenzie said.

Maisy smiled, "Aww, that's so cute."

"It's a good idea Kenzie." Cayman gave her a thumbs up and a big smile.

"No, it's a horrible idea!" Mandla said, "What if she never falls in love with you?"

Kenzie shrugged, "Then I guess I have to kiss Brynn for the rest of my life."

"Is that really a bad thing though?" Cayman asked, laying back in Kenzie's bed, "You get to kiss the girl you like for your whole life!"

Maisy looked at her boyfriend, "It's not that simple, but okay."

Suddenly, the door burst open. It was Maddie. She looked angry and upset.

"Did you know Kenzie?" She asked her sister.

"Know what?"

"That Lilia was going to fucking break up with me?" Maddie shouted.


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