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my school can suck trashton's dick :(

i listened to cherry hill by russ while making this
it goes along pretty well with this chapter i think
especially near the end
cya children ✌️

"What did you need to talk about?" Brynn heard from the other side of the door.

"I need to explain what happened."

"You mean why your tongue was down Hunter's throat at the party?"

"Please let me explain."

"Fine. Start talking."

"I don't like Hunter. I guess I never really have. And I was always so frustrated on why I never liked anybody I date."

"Go on."

"I've dated a lot of boys. And believe me, I've heard them all, slut, whore, you name it. But I never cared. It made me feel better at the start to be with somebody, but then after a few days, that feeling went away, and then I was stuck with a relationship I didn't want. And I admit, I was a bitch about breaking up with most of them, but it kept me from, questioning why I never liked any of the boys I dated."

"Continue. I'm intrigued."

"I guess I didn't want to accept the fact that I might be gay, so I just told myself I hadn't found the right guy yet, so I kept dating guys, hoping to finally find one I really liked. And then I met Hunter, and I really thought he was the one, but, it turns out he wasn't, but I didn't want to hurt him. Which I didn't succeed in. And then there was you. You were so forward about things, and always talking to me. Just seeing a new message from you made me smile. I really wanted to meet you, and I mean like, really bad. And then I saw you, and you were.."

"I was what?"

"Beautiful. I nearly choked on my water. And then I got scared. Because I was starting to think about you in a way I didn't want to think about girls like. I had always been told it was wrong, so I just denied it all. But it became too much, and soon enough, I want you to be my friend became 'I want you to be mine', and I guess I just couldn't handle it. And I can understand why you're upset. I don't think my heart could've handled seeing you with someone else. And I'm sorry for doing that to you."

Kenzie was silent, before saying, "I forgive you. But I don't think we should be together. We'll hurt each other too much."

Brynn sighed, "You're right. I don't think us being in a relationship would be good for you or me."

Kenzie laughed, "Yeah, we'd probably last as long as those middle school relationships."

"Try less," Brynn laughed, "I missed talking to you Kenzie."

"I missed it too," Kenzie smiled, "Friends?"

"Sure. Friends."

"Speaking of, you should go before Maddie gets back. She'll try to kick your ass."

"Noted. Walk me to the door?"

"Of course."


"Nadia? Are you okay?" Lauren asked the girl.

Nadia had frozen. Lauren, moving on? But, she didn't want her to. She couldn't believe it. The one thing she thought wasn't possible was happening. She couldn't take it. But she had to. She loved Lauren too much to stand in her way. She just wanted her to be happy.

"Sorry! I spaced out for a minute," Nadia smiled, "I think it's good you're deciding to move on. Don't let me hold you back okay?"

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