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first paragraph is written based off of my hatred for the hell i have to return to soon
also just realized i forgot something

School. The death of everyone. Summer was over. Nobody was ready for it to end. Nobody wanted it to end. Neither did the teachers. But that's what was happening. And everyone hated it.

"John!" Lauren yelled, "Where's my sweatshirt?"

"I have no clue Lauren! Try looking in Maddie's room!" John screamed from across the hallway.

Lauren groaned. That sweatshirt had been missing for a long time now.

Ever since everybody had seemingly fixed their issues, nobody had talked to one another. They all kept to themselves as if they were scared to ruin the peacefulness again. Lauren hadn't talked to anyone except Johnny. And her brother shut off his phone. In fact, the rest of the summer, Lauren only talked to Chase Hudson, Nadia's cousin, oh, and William. He was best friends with Chase. And the three had met up a few times to just talk and go shopping. It was like things were back to normal again, but were they?


"I can't believe we transferred schools for a girl that you don't even talk to." Mandla sighed.

"Shut up okay? Just help me find a good outfit." Kenzie said, trying to change the subject.

"So, you haven't talked to her since?" Mandla asked.

"Yes. I've said yes a million times already. What's your point?" Kenzie said, poking her head out of her closet.

Mandla sat on her bed, looking at her like she was the dumbest person he'd ever met, "Talk to her! That's the obvious answer Kenzie!"

"I was going to, but..." Kenzie smiled.

"But what?"

"I've been talking to this girl a lot."

"Oh dear. Who?"

"Her name's Emily. Emily Skinner. She's really pretty Mandy. And she's super sweet too."

Mandla rolled his eyes, "Show me a picture."


"Will. Why do you always insist on wasting my money?" Chase asked, as Will grabbed more Red Bull's.

"Because Chase, my dearest friend, my brother," Will said dramatically, "You're a complete sucker."

"Do you want me to buy those for you or not?" Chase said, going to put his card away.

"No! No no. I'll shut up," Will laughed, "For a while."

"You're going to be the death of me Miller. The death of me."

"I know," Will smiled, "And I'm proud of that."


"Where did you say Chase was?" Hayden asked the three girls in front of him.

"Hanging out with his boyfriend," Nadia rolled her eyes, "And he stole my coffee."

Brynn looked out the window, "Maisy, how long does it take Cayman to get food?"

Maisy shrugged, "Who knows. He gets distracted easily."

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