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Hello. It's me. I have to tell you something.
Also if you haven't watched Stranger Things Season 3 yet, don't read this until after, because I basically spoil the whole thing here :D

I'm your neighborhood trash can back with another rant.

Anyways, Stranger Things Season 3 made me cry, and I'm still crying.

First off, Max and Billy deserved a better relationship and what got to me the most was that this season, Max genuinely cared about Billy a lot, and also, this man said, "I'm sorry." Right before he died to Max! My heart = broken.

Hopper didn't deserve to go. He had so much more ahead of him. He deserved a life with Joyce and Eleven, and a long life of making sure her door is always open 3 inches.

Robin and Steve = Actual Soulmates (Platonically of course), because our girl Robin is a badass lesbian. Which I love for her.

Can't believe Suzie was real, and I love how Dustin and her had a whole ass musical number.

I also appreciate Lucas and Max making fun of Dustin for singing.

A little sad that Eleven and Jonathan and my boy Will are moving, because that RUINS my ships! You might be thinking, oh yeah Mileven and Nancy and Jonathan will be ruined but NO (well to mileven anyways).

I love my gays and Elmax and Byler are my OTP's so y'all can fight me. I really liked Mileven until I watched season 3, and I don't know why but I kinda don't like them anymore. Also the Duffer brothers better make Will come out because that boy is the straight up definition of gay. And also season 3 made me hardcore ship Elmax because who doesn't love our ketchup and mustard cuties.

AND ALEXEI AND MURRAY WERE TOTAL FRIENDSHIP GOALS! Alexei deserves all the cherry slushies. Rest In Peace to our favorite Russian :(

also heather was lowkey kinda hot ngl

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