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also fr
just realized this book might end soon
oops 🙊

Nadia sat out on the bleachers, trying to finish her English homework. The sky was a light grey, the clouds covering all the blue. The sun still brightly lighting up the track and football field.

She could hear someone laughing. It was a laugh she'd heard many times before, Lauren. Then she heard voices, and Nadia could just make out the conversation she was hearing.

"Will is really nice." Lauren said.

"You should give him a chance!" She heard another voice. It sounded like Kenzie.

"Yeah, but, I don't know. I promised her I wouldn't let her hold me back anymore, but I just can't."

"I understand." Kenzie's word's were muffled now, and all Nadia could make out was, "They're not worth it."

Nadia frowned, she had a feeling she was talking about Brynn and her.


Kenzie laughed, "You know me too well. I have to go Lauren. See you in math!"

Lauren said some sort of goodbye that Nadia couldn't hear, and then she heard Kenzie's footsteps fade away. So Kenzie and Lauren thought her and Brynn weren't worth it?

Nadia thought they were right about her. She wasn't worth it. She was too broken and unpredictable for anybody. But Brynn was amazing, and she deserved the world. Nadia couldn't believe that Kenzie got over her so quick when Brynn was still hurting.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard her name.



Johnny had a love/hate relationship with free period. On one hand, it was great because he could sit in the bathroom and play on his phone, but some days, he hated it, because he got stuck with his thoughts. And they weren't the best. Guilt. John always felt guilt. Hell, if he would've just been smart enough and stopped trying to please others, he could've kept Nadia from getting hurt, and then her and Lauren would be happy.

But no, he didn't. Johnny blamed all of it on himself. As he wandered through the empty halls, the guilt overwhelmed him, and he started looking for a bathroom. He needed to calm down and breathe. Then, he found it. The bathrooms that were always out of order. Everything worked except the toilets, but nobody ever went in there, so he always used it as a place to be alone.

He quickly opened the door and closed it quietly, turning around and heading straight toward the sinks. He splashed water on his face. John smacked himself in the head a few times, trying to keep himself in the right headspace. Then he looked up at himself. John thought he looked horrible in that moment. Like a mess. Another pang of guilt. Yes, John suffered from panic attacks, but his were nothing compared to Nadia's. She would sit in a locked room for hours and just cry until she physically couldn't. Even note guilt filled him with this thought.

He clenched the sink. Sometimes he just couldn't control his anger toward himself. He really needed to calm down. But he just couldn't. He looked up at his hair. John hated how it looked. He started ruffling it, until it sat flat and parted in the middle. Now he really looked like a mess. Tears started rolling down his cheeks. Sometimes he didn't know why he cried. He just felt like it. But he knew he was on the verge of a breakdown.

The bathroom door slowly creaked open. John perked his head up, hair messy, tears streaming down his cheeks. Hayden stood at the door, concerned and looking at John.

"Johnny? Are you okay?" Hayden asked, concern filling his voice.

Johnny wanted to say yes. He wanted to laugh and smile and pretend like nothing was wrong, but he just couldn't.

John shook his head no, and sunk to the ground, crying into his hands.

Hayden immediately rushed up to John, kneeling down and taking the boy in his arms, and just holding him. Johnny wrapped his arms around Hayden, gripping his shirt, and crying into Hayden's chest.

"It's gonna be okay John. It's gonna be okay. I'm here," Hayden whispered to the boy, "I'm not going anywhere."

Johnny gripped tighter.


Brynn sat in the art room, sketching whatever came to mind. She was enjoying her peaceful silence, until none other than 'Miss Emily Skinner' came walking in. She took a seat next to Brynn, whom immediately closed her sketchbook shut.

"What do you want?" Brynn asked, clearly annoyed.

"I know you don't like me," Emily said, "It's because of Kenzie right?"

"Pretty and smart. You're just perfect for her." Brynn rolled her eyes.

"No, I'm really not," Emily smiled, Brynn looked up at the girl, "But you are."

Brynn was taken aback by this, "What do you mean? Aren't you like, into her?"

"No," Emily sadly smiled, "I'm into someone else, but they're taken. Anyways, now that I've cleared that up, can we maybe not hate each other? Maybe go hang out at the skate park?"

"Skater girl?"

"All the way."

Brynn looked the girl right in the eyes, "How do I know you're not lying?"

"Oh please, everybody here knows that Brynn Rumfallo is possessive over things that are hers. And Kenzie is definitely yours." Emily smiled.

Brynn smirked, "You got that right. So tell me skater girl, what brings you to this stupid school?"

i stan this friendship so much rn
also sorry for not updating y'all
been rlly sick recently and sleeping a lot
enjoy this update bc i might not update for a while <3

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