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I managed to make it to Flagstaff, Arizona before some cataclysmic event sunk the state of California into the sea.how did I know that at the time? I didn't. I figured it out from some nomads who had been close enough to see it sink into the sea about 3 months later. But from what I heard, most people were glad it was gone. It was a wasteland brimming with zombies. Of course, I agreed with them, having just come there from a 2 year search for some kind of life in the state. There wasn't a single one except for me. So I gave up and decided to go to Phoenix, where I grew up. Really I was hoping the summer heat would fry any zombie that decided to turn up, but a local from Flagstaff told me the zombies completely ignored the heat. Speaking of Flagstaff, it had turned from a normal city into a whole lumber industry. Someone told me it was because people down south needed lumber in the desert. Made sense. And of course, the general rule in survivor colonies was no work, no food. Or kill some zombies in exchange for food. That's what I did. You get this new sense of defiance being close to home that makes you want to destroy what wants to destroy your home. That's why I wanted to do the zombie killing instead of getting sawdust all over me. Also how I met an old friend of mine who tried to kill me.

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