Chapter 12

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Holy fucking shit. I’ve spotted a Dakota in the wild.

Holy fucking shit were finally online at the same time!

Ik EEEeeeeee

lol its been forever!!! ive missed youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

did you see my spam. I miss u <3

what spam? *wiggles eyebrows*

????????? It’s there

I AM BLIND i cant see it gurl

*Dakota reads the beginning of the chapter*

omg i love what you wrote!

I was drunk (tipsy) so I actually i don’t remember tipsy I was tipsy

wow you get drunk alot lately

Schools about to start up again have to get the last of the summer kicks

ugh school already started for me :(

*Popcorn leaves and returns*

Baeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your back!

Oh hey I just moved so moving shit and more shit

wow #Suckstobeyouagain  

No i’m not in school

eh true

yep ummm uuuuuuuuuuh

lets keep writan

Cassie’s POV

 “But Mom I don’t want to take Kyle with me.” I whine. “That’s not my problem.” She shrugs going back to reading her magazine. “Ma the sleepover is at Harry’s house. Do you know who is at Harry’s house? His twin Marcel, my boyfriend. Who doesn’t like Kyle.” I rip the magazine from her hands. “Cassie go to your sleepover and have fun forget Kyle’s there and just enjoy yourself.” She takes the magazine back. “Fine.” I run upstairs to my room. My phone starts buzzing loudly ‘Logan’ pops up on the screen. “Hi.” she beams. “Bring your unicorn onesie... I’m wearing mine kk Bye.” She hangs up in a giggling mess. “Weirdo.” I mumble before digging through my closet.

 Logan’s POV

I’m in Harry’s room waiting for him to get out of the shower. His mother let me in. I’m wearing my unicorn onesie that me and Cassie bought together. Dont ask my how Harry and I always flip flop from good to bad terms because I really dont know...“Hi.” She answers on the seconds ring. Right then Harry comes out of the shower with a towel wrapped dangerously low around his waist. Jesus it took him long enough. When he sees me, he smiles and jumps on his bed which I’m sitting on.

“Bring your unicorn onesie I’m wearing mine kk Bye.” I have to hang up because Harry starts blowing raspberries into my stomach and I happen to be very ticklish. “What’s got you in such a good mood?” I moved his wet head off me. “Remember the last time you were on this bed.” He flashes me a cheeky smile. I stare wide eyed at him before switching it to a glare. “You’re a perv.” I insult.

“You’re a bed” he wiggles his eyebrows. “Oh god” I stand up from his bed and attempt to walk away but he grabs my wrist. “Cute pajamas, can I take them off?” he pulls me between his legs. “I dont think thats a good idea…” I blush. “Your really cute when you blush...and sex is always good for a baby anyways” he compliments. “Oh is it now?” I bite my lip. His hands are now right under my butt while mines are around his neck. “Dont do that” he groans. “Why not?” I smirk before biting my lip again.

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