Chapter 10

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I want cheese sticks and not the crappy ones, the saragento c: #Fancy

odd but I know how you feel

There in my fridge :) I just lazy

I'm so freaking happy. We passed 200 reads. And I'm at Nash's place :D

IKR!!! xD

Max and I are on a break...

:c who needs boys when you have cheese sticks.

I know right!!!!

I can never stay writing the same story. All these ideas just explode my brain and I kept changing meh mind.

Uh...its that normal? Lol jk I feel you

Erm idk but #YOLO



I really want more cheeze now...

I'll wait. As along as popcorn is still in your heart.

Okay, I will go get food and think of you!

K I'm going to raid Nash's fridge real quick!! BRB

*Minutes Later*

Nvm...I like craving food better than actually eating it

*minutes later*


Nash lives in a dorm with other people i forgot about the other people and went out only wearing a shirt I'm a freaking genius

O.o how does that make you a--OHHHHH it

His roomie was like Nash got laid *facepalm*

Haha I would so be that rommie

Ugh... It was worth it I got food :)

I got no food

Wasn't worth ~Sorry~


You're so WAAHH... Oh and Hi Dicky *smirks evily*

*nostrils flare and smoke puffs out of ears*








And with that #ontothechapter

Harry's POV

When I got out of the shower Logan is gone and I have a very pissed Marcel in my room. "Did you fuck Logan?!?" He asks. "I did. Why are you jealous?" I chuckle. "Just forget it." He storms out of my room. Well...that's how my Sunday morning went and now it's Monday. I still haven't talked to Logan and I'm not sure if she's avoiding me. Where am I now? Sitting in my car outside her house.

It doesn't take long for her to exit her house and I immediately smile, rolling down the window. "Need a ride baby?" I ask. She stares at me for a few moments before running back into her house. Thats not good. I get out of my car and follow. "Logan what's wrong? Did I do something?" I try and grab her but I'm cut off by her brother saying "Dude just leave she doesn't wanna talk to you."

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