Chapter 6

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*Popcorn says secret chapter ideas*

Thats smart! Oh where would I be without you

Still here?


And I gave you a rhetorical answer

Fine ogre obama

*rolls eyes*How was your fourth?

Boring..stayed home all day but going to a party/bbq tonight

Oh youre yesterday sounds like my today. To the chapter or more talking?



If you can make a ‘Two Worlds’ Trailer we would really appreciate it <3

Yeah That would be nice now here’s your chapter.  

Logan’s POV

 It’s silent just sitting in the car waiting for Harry to hurry and arrive at my house. I just wanna go to sleep and pretend today never happened. I can’t believe Cassie and I had a fight. We were such good friends. How could she called me a whore. Jake is the only person Ive ever slept with. Even if things were getting heated, I can’t believe she would even think about saying that.

 “After you get inside change so we can hurry up and go.” He says as we pull onto our street. “What?” I must have zoned out. “We’re going out tonight so I when I drop you off, change so we can get any early start.” He explains.“What if I don’t want to go?” I raise an eyebrow at him. “You don’t have a choice.” He replies.. “I’m only saying yes because I want food.”  I sigh “1533.” I mumble. “Were here!” He claps seconds later. I look out my window to see my house.

 I run up the steps to my door, unlocking it. “Hurry!” he yells as I enter my house. I purposely walk slowly upstairs into my bathroom. Turing into the mirror, I see my horrid, makeup smeared, tearstained face. My reaction? Groaning and stamping my foot on the tile. I turn the water to hot and connect my iPod to the docking station, playing music.

 I quickly use the restroom before taking off my clothes and stepping into the shower, letting my muscles relax at the touch of the water droplets. “If what we had was real how could you be fine.” Amnesia by 5 Seconds Of Summer, a variety of different songs play as I wash up, redoing my hair in the process.

After my shower I change into black lace underwear with a matching bra, brushing and curling my strawberry blonde hair. I then skip to my room to pick out an outfit. As I bend down in my closet to grab a pair of shoes I hear a ‘Wow’. What the...Styles. I swiftly turn around to see Harry staring at me. “Get out!” I scream at him. “Sorry--Just...Wow.” He stutters while eyeing me up and down. “Get out.” I yell again, throwing a pillow at him (Which I am proud to say hit him right in the face) “ I-i’m sorry.” He finally leaves. Thank the heaven of twinkies!

Shaking my head slightly, I decide on wearing a long gray sweater and chevron/zig zag print dress along with my grey bootie heels, a few acceseries. I grab my black purse and throw in my wallet/newly returned phone.

 I walk over to my dresser and apply mascara, black eyeshadow and a little bit of blush to match my dress and smile softly to myself. “Harry, I’m ready.” I call out. He re-enters my room, plopping himself on my bed. “You look really pretty” he compliments. I mumble a thanks and begin walking out of my room when I notice he’s not following.

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