Chapter 9

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Wow poppy...I just ate popcorn :)

AND U DIDN"T SHARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!


I smell lasagna smells so good I'm might have leave again  

I smell my stomach growling...NOTHING TO EAT!

Guys if you wanted to know what Dakota does when I leave is organize our A/N's for you because there's no food at her place. I just unlocked all your secrets Dakota how do you feel?

I feel...hungry

I don't pay you to feel hungry.....

THEN FEED ME & PAY ME! Take it rain marshmallows & green $$

I was about to say something offensive. BRB food awaits.


I was lied to Lasagna is not done. It took so long because my two older brothers are home and decide to pick me up and hit each other with me :c


Logan's POV

I wake up to the sound of the shower running close by. I have a pounding headache and words can't describe how weak & sick I feel. I slowly sit up, rubbing my temples and check my surroundings. I'm in a room? That can't be good... Thoughts of Jake flood my brain. We were kissing then he said jump then it's all blank., no no! Where am I? I look down and find myself naked. "Shit, shit, shit" I breathe. My clothes are scattered throughout the room. I let out a sigh of relief this isn't Jake's room I've been in there enough to know if I was.  

 I shakily stand up, gathering my clothes around the room. I begin panicking as I start to think of the events of last night but I only end up with bits and pieces. What if this is Jake's room what if he remodelled it? I begin to cry again as I quickly redress myself. When I finish putting on my bra and panties I notice a shirt with something on it. Was it left for me? I walk over to the dresser with the shirt on it. The note reads: Lolo I'm probably in the shower there's food and painkillers downstairs if you need it. ~Hazza. I realized that he was the one in the shower, and frantically looked around for my shoes & dress.

I find them, throwing them on before running out of the room. When I reach the downstairs I see Cassie is sitting on the breakfast-barstools. Her head is on the counter I wouldn't be surprised if she was sleeping. I immediately storm over to her and slap her. She wakes up, looking at me like I'm crazy. "What the fuck was that for!!?" she exclaims standing up. "You know exactly what the fuck that was for!!!" I yell back pushing her. "If I said something that hurt your feelings let it go I was drunk." she explained. "LET IT GO!? Why dont you ask people, or watch the videos of what you said. I HATE YOU! Don't ever talk to me again" I brush past her.

I didnt listen to what she said next and ran out the house. All I need right now is a friend... a shoulder to cry on but I have no one. I am no one. It should only take a few minutes to get to my house -on account that i'm running- theres no way in hell I getting into a car with Harry...or talking to him ever again for that matter.

Once I reach my neighborhood, I slow down and start to panic. Mom will kill me, Derek will kill me...heck I might kill me! I stop on the sidewalk in front of Harry's house. Oh of course he just has to live three doors down from me. I continue walking to my house when I realize hes probably driving and he would be here any minute. God, im so dead...i'm walking into my grave. I slowly turn the door handle, surprised to find it open. I quickly slipping inside and quietly shutting the door. I hear someone clear their throat, and slowly turn around.

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