Chapter 7

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I just woke up HI

Me too lol HI

What’s up, friend

OMZ! She admitted she has a crush on him <3 the feelz

#MassieMoments xD

I’m trying to think of one for Hogan but I can’t.

Hmmmm me either...I think the Hogan relationship is doomed! >.< LOL JK Hogan fandom. Please dont kill us.


#HeftyHogan lol now Im thinking of trash bags

Don’t get mad get glad


HEFTY HOGAN Were cool...I forgot wat i was gonna say

Totally, We’re weird guys… sorry to break it to you :p


I live in Virginia. Because you asked.

Oh ok! OMZ I was reading what you wrote below & I couldnt really see so I thought u said “I have a vagina. because you asked” lol oops

That’s exactly why we’re friends. I write Virgina and you see vagina. Perfection…

:) Yup...remember when we were planning this book? You said that it HAD to have sexual jokes in it xD

MmmHmm It’s just getting started.

MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I was watching a vine...and this guy said he would blow up a water balloon and try to shove it up his girlfriends vagina! O.o

First it was you and penis. Now vaginas… :p

I NEVER LIKED PENIS! Wait not gay...I NEVER SAID PENIS! And besides, Vaginas are interesting!

Shirts, Popcorn is playing you. Shes the one who typed :--- first!!! I swear, swear, swearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Never if I was going to do a penis it would look like this: 8-----D

OMG POPCORN! My eyessssss me innocent eyessssssss -idk why but it looks like a dead fish-

Deal with it you brought it on yourself…. #PopcornWisdom

Stahpppppp shes lying guys! POPCORN IS OBESSED WITH PENIS!

Well I am still sore from last night’s I shouldn’t write this...O.o oh shit

YOU & NASH!!!!!!!!

Yup I’ve been too tired to stay up afterwards so I haven’t been on really late at night.

Oh god...just no! You ruined my

You’re Welcome

-,- your not thank you

Max is being a sourpus like always...I slapped him...he mad now

Nash is here waiting for me to log off so last night can happen again

Awwwww…………………..Oh god popcorn. OHHH CHARLIE HAS A PLAN!

He says I love you! NASH!!!!! POPCORN IS DATING CHARLIE! SHES IN LOVE WITH CHARLIE NO LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

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