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Cassie's POV

It's was the last day of summer and I'm honestly bummed. This was one of the first summers in years that I didn't take summer school. I had so much free time to reinvent myself.                                        Change my style...personality. I even got to see a therapist for three months.

Tonight our school is hosting a costume party. It's an annual tradition for enrolled seniors  and minimal chaperons. "Cassie! Logan is here!" My mom calls. I look in the mirror and pull the hood of my dinosaur costume on before walking downstairs. "Hey lo" I smile at her. "Bye mom" I walk out of the house arm in arm with Logan.

"Ready for tonight?" I ask as I lock the door. "Oh my god, yessss. I've been waiting years for this." she gushes while we walk to her car. "I know, I've been listening to you go on about this for years" I respond. Something feels a little off about tonight but I shake off the feeling and get into the passenger seat of her 2015 Nissan Sentra.

"Do you think people will notice we changed?" Logan asks, after starting the car and driving off. "I don't know, I mean its not like its a big school, of course they will. The real question is...will their reaction be positive?" I answer. She nods her head nervously and turns on the radio. We immediately start singing along to Wiggle. "How'd you fit all that...in them jeans?" Logan sings. "You know what to do with that big fat butt" I continue. "WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE" we belt simultaneously, dancing in the seats.

Just a few songs later, we finally arrive at the school. The first person I see when I exit the care is Jake. How ironic. He's my ex...and Logan's. Last year he was dared to date the school's two biggest losers at the same time. But he took things way too far. The whole situation is just mortifying. A part of me wants to walk up, and thank him for being an asshole. If he wasn't such a huge prick, I would've never met my best friend and probably wouldn't have changed.

We walk into the school, show the guard our ID's and make our way into the gym. The room was filled with strobe lights, bodies, laughter and music. "I'm going to go get us some drinks" Logan tells me as Fancy begins playing.

I nod my head, and just stand in the back watching everyone. I just cant shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen. We're the most rebellious school in California. Something always goes wrong. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Logan placing a cup in my hand. I can smell the alcohol inside it from a foot away. "Where did this come from?" I stare at the cup curiously. This school may be stupid, but not stupid enough to serve straight alcohol. "I dont know, some guy called he hot and gave me the drinks" she answers with excitement before drinking some from her cup.

I immediately drop mine on the ground. "Logan he could have drugged these." I exclaim. "A lot of things could happen Cassie. The world could end in 5 minutes. That doesn't mean you run in a corner and cry" she continues drinking it. I have an urge to slap her, but instead I slap the drink out of her hand. "Im up for having fun, but not for being an idiot" I explain while she glares at me. She rolls her eyes playfully and that horrible selfie song starts playing. I internally groan knowing what was coming up next.

"Cmon, we have to dance to this song!" Logan begins pulling me towards the dance floor. The closer we got, the worse I felt. I begin to copy everyone else. I dance and sing along while taking selfies with random peers, plastering on a fake smile for each picture.

Near the end some guy with brown curly hair pushes through the crowd roughly, almost knocking me down. But before I can yell at him, he disappears and Logan pulls me into another round of selfies.

The next song, one that I don't know is about halfway through when somebody yells one word that sent about 300 kids into a frenzy...fire. My heart stops as everyone begins to panic. Some rational people start urging us to stay calm and exit in an orderly fashion but no one listens. Logan holds on to me for dear life while were practically being trampled by our peers. My ears start ringing from the desperate shrieks of students, and I began coughing as smoke swirls around us. Suddenly Logan's grip on my arm, loosens before disappearing completely. I frantically search for her, calling out her name several times.

People kept pushing me forward, and I hold back the tears desperately looking for my best friend. I'm afraid she fainted and people trampled over her! "Logan!" I scream, exiting the school and falling on the pavement. To avoid being stepped on, I rolled into the grass and I spot the same figure who pushed me earlier. Getting up, I was about to confront him when part of the school came crashing down. I scream and backed up, running into someone.

Turning around I gasp and I face Logan, immediately wrapping my arms around her. Students were still piling out of the school when another part of the school fell. Shrieking, Logan and I run to her car. Right when we were getting inside, we were stopped by EMT'S telling everyone to relax, asking everyone to stay for questioning and move back 50 feet for safety. Holding Logan's hand firmly, we obey their orders and start to proceeded backwards. I dont know if it was the smoke, or just the whole situation, and before I can fully understand whats happening, Logan shouts my anem as the ground suddenly becomes alot closer.

Hiiiiiii itssssss CHUCKY!!! Nah its Dakota & I ate a bad taco today and threw up... true story.soooo POPCORN is M.I.A. and i'm ending this on my own rite now. Hmph. I see how it is little miss dinosaur.

*30 seconds later*


Yous is backs!!!!!!


EWWWW! You left me for popcorn! I feel so betrayed :-C

My Name's Popcorn and I'm in the building duh... :/

Ohhh I totally knew that *cough cough* ANYWAY THIS AMAZAYN BUILDING WERE IN IS GOOGLE DRIVE...vroooooooommmmmmm

SO to end this---NO! I'M CUTTING YOU OFF...Its Fablouis

Anyway to end this Fablouis--:)--chapter...I got it I got it. We'd like to thank you for reading this book. Written by two awesome--NO! Extraordinharry--Okay Extraordinharry people. We hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to vote and follow both of us. Bai. Popcorn out.     

I wanted to say thattt! Hey peoples! Dont forget to comment, vote and follow both of us cuz were Phenominiall

Miss OrNah is out...BAIIIII I LOVES YALLSS <3


Popcorn, I am the bra to your boobies, and our fans are the shirt. xD Im too done xD


Tehe *farts on Popcorns face* AND THATS A WRAP!

EWWWWWW--Shhhh! You cant say anything! The show is over :p-- GRR

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