Chapter 4

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Italic- Popcorn*


Im here!!!

Mkay Book time

Wait! We need an opening

Right I forgot. What’s up.

Ugh! stuck blocking wattpad bitches who have no class!!!

Yeah I saw that and I was like damn.

Lol! Que pasa with you

I painted my nails today. I fell down a flight of stairs and a person laughed at me soo yeah.

I would totally be that person xD How do you fall down a flight of stairs??? lmao

Well I was walking then BAM I was falling.

You know, we are two hot messes ;)

Only the hottest. :3

:) TO THE BOOK *starts running towards a book*

Marcel’s POV

“Harry I swear Logan and I weren’t doing anything.” I exclaim, pushing him off me. As soon as I got home he started trying to beat the shit out of me. “Marcel don’t lie to me.” he growled, balling his hands in fists. Right before he could swing the doorbell rang. Saved by the bell irl. Harry glared at me for a moment, before turning around to answer the door. I straightened my clothes, adjusting my glasses before following him.

“Well look who it is...Cassie.” He says letting her in. “Where’s Logan?” he asks her, slamming the door shut. I immediatly look down. “She didn’t need a tutor.” she shrugged, giving Harry a small smile. “We should go upstairs” I grumble, motioning for Cassie to follow. She rolls her eyes, but I can hear her behind me. “Wait Cassie! Stay down here with us and study. Marcel, you don’t have to hide her away in your room.” Harry exclaims as he pulls Cassie away from me and closer to him.

“No Harry. I’m her tutor, not you. Therefore, she studies with me...not you” I fired back with a little bit of edge in my voice. “C’mon guys, stop arguing! How about we all study down here. God knows Harry needs the help too!” she says sweetly. “Then he can get Logan to tutor him.” I sneer. “Thats not a bad idea, Styles” she smiles, pulling out her phone. “Hey! Why don’t you call me Styles” Harry whined. “Because, I don’t like you” she smirked, walking off into the living room leaving a stunned Harry. I laugh

“The look on your dumb face is priceless” I insult, before following after Cassie. I don’t get far before he pulls me back. “We have the same face, stupid.” He says before he shoves me into the wall. I flinch before scoffing. “Get off me; you beergut.” I hiss, struggling in his grip. “Beergut, really?” he smirks, digging his nails in my skin. “I hate you, of all brothers why did I have to be paired up with you” I spat. “Logan’s-” Cassie stops mid-sentence and bust out laughing.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to walk in on your bromance.” she winked. Harry immediately pulled away, and started stuttering. I rubbed my scarred wrists and glared at him. “Is Logan coming?” I asked once she composed herself. “Yep, she’s on her way” she smiled, turning away. “Great.” Harry smirks before following Cassie like a lost puppy. After about 10 minutes, the doorbell once again rings and when I open its not a surprise I find Logan.

“Hey Marcel.” She hugs me. I awkwardly hug back. “Logan where’s my hug?” Harry whines with open arms. “Fine, fine.” She scoots passed me and is engulfed in a hug by Harry. I slam the door and turn into the living room with them. “Do you know that you to live three doors down from me?” Logan beams. “Does that mean we’ll see more of you?” Harry asks. She giggles before replying with a ‘Maybe’. I could already taste the vile. “So room.” I offer trying to escape their flirting.

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