Ch. 11: The reveals.

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(Marinette's pov)

After school I pack all the things I need. At 5 I knock on Alya's door.

"Hey girl."

" Hey. "

I see Adrien and Nino.

"Hey guys." I say.

" hey Mari. " Adrien says.

"Hey dudette." Nino says.

" let's play truth or dare! " Alya says.

"Um ok." I say

" Sure. " says the boys.

"I'll start." Alya says.

(Al = Alya, M = Marinette, A = Adrien, N = Nino.)

AL: Marinette truth or dare?

M: dare.

Al: I dare you to kiss Adrien.

M: Ok.

I go over to Adrien and kiss him on the cheek.

M: You never said WHERE I had to kiss him. 😏
Anyway, Nino truth or dare?

N: truth.

M: would you consider marrying Alya in the future? 😏


N: Yes... 😳

Al: 😳😳😳😳😳

N: Adrien truth or dare?

A: dare

N: I dare you to look through Marinette's purse that she always carries around and talks to.

M + A: WHAT!!! 😲😲😲


Adrien turns my purse upside down. I see my phone, earbuds, cookies, cookies crumbs and TIKKI! Fall out of my purse.

Al: explain.

M: well that red thing is a toy I got from Manon.

Al: ok... Sure...

M: Alya truth or dare?

Al: truth

M: Did you and Nino kiss while you were both trapped in that case during the Animan attack?

Al: yes... Mari truth or dare?

M: dare

Al: what's your biggest secret...

M: i... Um... I don't have any?

Al: you have a secret. SPILL!!!

M: I cant... It'll put you all in danger...

Adrien leans in and says,

A: it's ok M'lady just tell them... 😉

M:WHAT!!! Y-you're HIM!!!

A:Correct. Since day 1.

M: I'm Ladybug!

Al + N: 😲😲😲

M: the thing in my purse is called a kwami. But I don't need to explain to you guys what that is.

A: M'lady what are you talking about?

M: Alya, Nino, Adrien, you guys ok with this?

They all nod.

M: I'm Ladybug, Adrien's Chat Noir, Alya's Rena Rouge, and Nino's Carapace.

Al: Yay! Now I can call you Shelly.

N: I can call you Foxy.

Al: can we call Adrien Kitty?


Al: ok sheesh.

M: let's go to bed it's been a long day.

Then we all go to bed.

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