Chapter 5: The problems

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(Marinette's Pov)

"G-good j-job A-Adrien A-Agrest that w-was worse t-than the l-last time."

"What are you talking about?" Adrien says.

"I'm talking about your stupid confession of love for me and her but of course as you said, "But as long as you're here, I'll always love you more... You talk as if she's here with you, but guess what. She isn't. I had this massive crush on you, but guess what? Everyone knew. Everyone except you. This is why Chloe picked on me. She did this only to try to get rid of me so that she could have you all to herself. But it never worked. Every time you said, Marinette's just a friend, It hurt me. But you didn't know that. You never did, only because you were too dense to realize it."

"How do you know about that!"

"You just made a mistake. You could've denied it but no. I found out because she told me."


"Really. I saw her and asked her to ask you. Do you really think someone like her would ask that just out of the blue? I asked her because I wasn't capable of even properly saying a simple hello to you because I LOVED you"

"I thought you were scared of me."

"Scared! Scared! You thought I was SCARED of you! NO! I have a huge crush on you I only told Alya about my crush on you and it was soooooo obvious that everyone else found out by themselves. Everyone but you!"

"I feel so stupid."

"Yeah! You better be..." I start crying again. Then I mumble

"Well, I-I g-guess I d-deserve it... Now I know... N-Now I know w-what its like... I never realized what I did to him... He'll always try to win me over. Even after I rejected him... He loved me so much... And now I know I'll never get him back..."

"What do you mean, him?"

"Adrien, I loved you so much that I never realized that I loved him."

'Who's him?"

"The only other person I deeply love besides you, Chat Noir... But who am I kidding? I can't be in love with Chat. It would never work... He's too busy saving Paris... This is why I never gave Chat Noir a chance because I loved you, Adrien. I know that he has a crush on Ladybug too... But she loves someone else that it hurts..."

"How do you..."

"Because she always pushes Chat Noir away and always says, "I'm sorry Chat but I love someone else," I know what it's like to love someone who you know will never love you back and will never work because of someone else they love. I know that Chat's gone through the pain I've gone through too."

"Marinette, I never knew..."

"It's fine. The strange thing is that... I STILL love you Adrien, both you and Chat. But that's the problem. I don't know who to go for... You both love her... But you don't understand what she's like under the mask."

"How would you know?"

"She's told me what she's like under the mask. She's nothing like how she is when she's Ladybug. She told me that even if Hawkmoth was defeated she still wouldn't want to reveal her identity. She's scared of what her friends with think of her... She says that she thinks that her friends and family will treat her differently in both of her identities. The thing she fears the most is losing..."

"Losing to Hawkmoth?"

"No. Losing someone."

"Who is it?"

"One of the people she loves and cares about but she's never going to tell him that she loves him."

"Who is this he?"

"One of her crushes, her family, the person who means the most to her... Chat Noir... She loves him but she also loves someone else."

"Who is it?"


"Are you jealous of her?"

"No... I should feel happy for you, her, and Chat... But I'm not, I'm disappointed in myself. I'm NOTHING compared to her. When she has the mask she's perfect, smart, brave and courageous, but without the mask, she's the opposite..."

I start to cry again.

"I-I j-just wish I could be like her... But I'm not. I'm not and I never will be. No wonder you both love her. She's the things I'm not... No wonder you'll always love her, not me. Just as you said Agreste, Marinette's just a friend. I'm nothing more to you, am I."

"I'm sorry I just wasn't sure about my feelings."

I mumble

"I-I j-just w-wish I c-could t-tell you. T-tell y-you the s-secrets I have, but I can't... It'll put you all in danger... I hate lying but I have to in order to keep you all safe. Anyway, Let's not talk about this now."


Adrien and I look over and see Alya and Nino passed out, fast asleep on the floor.

"Goodnight Adrien."

"Goodnight Marinette."

Then I fall asleep.

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