What Happened?

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I just want to say I have only got copyright to any characters and plot lines I make up! The names of the characters to the show belong to HH not me! if I were to bring in other characters then they are mine! So it has been three hours...what now???

"It's been three and a half hours! Why are they not done yet?!" Arastoo raged on to Booth.

"Hey listen. You nee to understand it takes time. I remember when Bones got shot. I couldn't contain myself. Trust me. She'll be fine." Booth spoke calmly but maturely so he doesn't feel as though he was being spoken down to.

"You're right! I need to be patient. For her." he sat down with a huff just as the doctor came through.

"Which one is the husband or boyfriend?" she asked with a barely there smile.

"Me!" Arastoo jumped up and moved forward making the young girl subtly move back.

"Please come with me. We need to talk." she ushered him through the oak double doors down a long straight corridor where he heard crying at the end.

"I know my girlfriends cry and that's it! What's happening?" Arastoo was walking faster now going for the door.

"Sir. Wait." the nurse held her hand up.

"She is very emotional right now. She was just given some bad news and asked for you. She wants to explain to you what is happening. She wants to explain herself. So I advise you to stay calm and keep your voice soft also-"

"Do I look or sound like a monster to you?"

"No! Of course not Sir. Quiet the opposite actually."

"Then what the on earth makes you think that after the woman I-I-I love has been in car accident, a very horrific one, that I would even think of raising my voice?"

"I'm sorry if I offended you Sir. Please just be patient that's all I ask and you will understand soon" she slowly turned and walked away after nodding her head slightly in the direction of the door. He watched her walk down the mint green halls and back through the doors.

Slowly he opened the door and her head shot up.

"Hey!" he whispered relief riddled his face and words. He swiftly walked over to her and hugged his sobbing girl. He let her sit and sob into his shoulder. They stayed bound to each other for over an hour. Neither wanting to let go. Ever. Eventually when she sat back she looked in his deep brown chocolaty eyes and burst out in more tears.

"I'm so- I'm-I-I am so-o-o s-so-sorr-sorry Ara-Arastoo." she hung her head down her tear stained cheeks in her hands.

"Hey. Ssshh. Ssshh. It's OK. Its not your fault. Come 'ere." he rocked her back and forth whilst cooing to her softly.

"But I sh-should have known." she lifter her head to talk.

"That car cam round the corner too fast you did nothing wrong." he explained to her.

"No. I'm not talking about that." she sobbed even more than before.

"What are you talking about then?" she now had her head lifted up to look into his eyes.

"I was pregnant."

Ok so pretty short but I thought it was quite intense so yea! Hope you like it! and remember to comment and vote! Any thoughts on what I could do please comment! Have a good one!

Also should I do a random Halloween chapter? (so do it as if there was no car crash?) please tell me if you want me to!

Cam x


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