Steve and Stacey?

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"You there! With the longish black hair in curls and the very high heels!" Cam heard Booth shouting to her as he walked in, loudly.
"Hello to you too Booth." she chuckled as he bowed down before her.
"What do you want, Seeley? I'm very busy." she asked as she signed the clipboard someone was holding in front of her.
"Well you know how this new victim was a fan of Bones'?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Well we kinda need to go undercover." he leaned in as whispered to emphasise the fact no one could know.
"Wow! Well that's great but you know you don't need my permission, you an Dr. Brennan love undercover so she would do it with or without my consent. You know that." she began to walk out her office towards the stairs which led up to the balcony.
"Oh OK we are walking that's great! OK well no. OK the people that this victim was friends with all know who Bones is so I need either you or Angela to do an undercover with me?" He quickly began leaping after her as thy made their was up the stairs.
"Woah what? Ask Angela then. I-I would love to but Angela would love to more. Why do you new to do it any? Can't you just interrogate them all?" she had to fight every urge in her body not to jump at this chance but ever since her and Arastoo moved in together, a couple of weeks ago, he has been quite protective ,so, there was no way he would want her to go.
"You see I already asked her and she kids said no. Last time she did it was apparently the first and last. And the whole interrogation thing won't work cause it seems they are protected in some way or another and we can't get to them." he looked at her imploringly but saw she was still not sure. "Come on Cam! You know I wouldn't ask if I didn't really need you!" He whined trying to get a sympathy vote.
"She really won't do it? You're sure?" She grabbed a Jeffersonian mig and began pouring her coffee.
"Well eh she did say 'I loved it last time but I could never do it again. At least not for a while.' Her words not mine." They both sat down at the table as she mulled over the thought.
"Fine." she sighed and took another sip. "What will I need to do or be?" She asked worried about who she would be 'playing'.
"I was thinking Steve and Stacy Colingham. Steve is a car garage owner, he owns many to makes a lot, and Stacey is a principal? We moved to the outskirts of Washington D.C last year because New York wasn't our thing? Oh also you are a but posh!" He spoke quickly as to not scare her off, but the thing that scared her was the way he said 'New York'.
"OK that sounds great until you did an accent and said I was posh? I can't do an accent."
"That's fine. We will drop the accent, but you need to be posh and eh prestigious." He said, pushing his boundaries very close to there limits.
"Dr. Saroyan?" As someone shouted her name from downstairs she quickly stood up and walked away, calling back to Booth;
"Swing by tonight and we'll discuss this!" And with that she disappeared from his sight.
"Oh boy." he sighed before jumping up and going to visit his wife.

"So he wants you to go and do an undercover with you? For how long?" Arastoo asked as Cam sat across from him wearing grey sweatpants and a cream vest.
"I don't know, but, he coming over to discuss it tonight." Jut as she said that their doorbell rang.
"Speak of the devil!" She jumped up and whipped her grey cardigan off the chair so her shoulders were covered a bit more.
"Seeley! Come on in!" She stood back as he walked in, his large coat wet with the rain.
"Thanks. I'll take these off cause, well, they're filthy and wet."
"Here, put them just there. Come sit down." Arastoo moved back as Booth walked in.
"So you want to take Cam on an undercover." Arastoo said bluntly, obviously not impressed.
"Yes. She would go under the name Stacey Colingham. She would be the principal of a prestigious private school. I have photos and everything made up already to show you if you want? Just to give you an idea of what you would need to wear and stuff."
"Yes please." Cam out her hand out and began flicking through the three photos. The first was a picture of her at her 'high school graduation' which looked to real that it almost scared her a bit. The second Arastoo looked at wide eyes, slightly concerned. There in the photo was her and Booth at an obvious wedding ceremony. She was in a long dress that looked way too expensive for what they could afford just now. Her lips were red and he was about to 'kiss' her.
"Woah!" Arastoo said amazed by the quality and the fact it looked like his girlfriends wedding day to another man.
"We would need to be husband and wife for it to be believable. So that does mean I would need to treat her like my wife but only in public." he said hoping it wasn't too much to ask.
"I don't mind the wife thing if you don't?" Arastoo looked to her.
"No I thought you would care. It would be like an acting job so it wouldn't be me and Booth so it doesn't bother me. It's not as if we haven't kissed before, anyway." she shrugged forgetting Arastoo didn't know about their past.
"Never mind. Lets look at the last picture." she quickly flicked to the last one and was in sudden aw.
"That was you, kinda you, at an event for the school. It's meant to be couple I your students were nominated for a film awards thingy." Booth narrated.
Cam couldn't believe how beautiful she looked. Her hair was pinned up and back in the bump, it was also long again. Her make-up was simple but glamorous. Pinkish lips and light eyes, highlighted with liquid eyeliner. Her earring were dangling from her ears, the pearls hitting the light slightly.
"Holy crap. You look hot." Arastoo said amazed by her beauty, even though the picture was fake.
"Damn straight." she chuckled before placing the photos down wanting to get serious.
"How long would I be undercover for?"
"Two weeks, tops. Chances are it will be less."
"Chances of me getting injured?"
"Could be high. Don't worry we'll give you equipment and stuff like that if you agree. We will also give you slight training on some things."
"So you can pretty much guarantee she will come back to me?" Arastoo softly slid his arm around her waist, his protective instincts setting in.
"I can't promise anything. Not to scare you though." Booth was unsure himself what could happen on this trip but really needed Cam to come.
"Can we discuss it? When do I need to tell my answer?." Cam said quickly.
"Well it's only just past six so by eleven tonight?"
"Tonight?" Arastoo jumped in.
"Yes. We would take her through a training over the next two days and then we'd be off to the outskirts of D.C."
"Wait! What would be our cover for being there?"
"That will be discussed if you agree. I'm sorry I can't say much I just feel under a lot of pressure cause I gotta find somebody, and I've gotta find em fast!"
"OK we'll let you know by tonight."
"Great! I better run. Bones will be putting Christine to bed soon. Talk soon, hopefully." he slipped his shoes and jacket back on and gave Cam a quick hug and Arastoo a handshake before heading down in the lift.
"So I guess we have some discussing to do?" Arastoo closed the door behind him.
"Yea. We certainly do." they headed to the couch and sat down with a sigh. Both knowing it would be a long night of discussion.

OK I am proud of this chapter but if you didn't like it and have any tips please feel free to comment! Remember to keep it nice though! I tried making it longer and the next few chapters should...interesting, hopefully. Sl you should (hopefully) enjoy them! Hope you liked it and please remember to VOTE SHARE AND COMMENT!
(Mistakes and all are mine, blah blah blah! You know the drill!)

C x


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