Hours and Hours and Hours...

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Ok so let's get on with it. Shall we...

Arastoo had been waiting for a half hour. He had come in at 6:45 and it was now coming up for 7:15. He couldn't take the wait. He had no one to talk to. He couldn't call anyone due to the fact no one knew but Hodgins, Angela and Booth. He had called Michelle but only told her she had an accident had shouldn't drive, which was true but with bits cut out. He had also told her to stay at a friends house for the next couple of nights so as not to stress her out too much. He check the clock then his watch, then back tot the clock. 7:25. He had to call someone, he couldn't keep them in the dark about all this. He picked up his cell and searched though the contacts until he came to Hodgins. He had, had his number for a while but never called. He pressed call and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Arastoo! What's up?"

"Come to St. James' Hospital ASAP! COME NOW!" He panicked and hung up.

"Hey Babe who was that?" Angela asked curious as to her husbands scared look.

"Is your dad looking after Michael?"

"Yes why?"

"We need to go." He grabbed her and rushed out the door.

"Babe, one why are you speeding and two why are we heading for the hospital?" She panicked

"I got a call from Arastoo tell me to go to St. James' ASAP."

"Oh God! Do you think it's Cam?"

"Shit I never thought of that! Course he can't call anyone else. Oh God!" he pressed down on the peddle faster and got there within half the time.

They stormed through the hospital and found Arastoo in the 'Accidents and Emergencies' waiting area.

"Hey what's going on?" Hodgins asked

"Cam was in an accident her belt went into her stomach the car was upside down, head was bleeding and a load of other crap! They are still operating on her." he explained stressed.

"Have you called anyone else?" Angela asked.

"No only you Booth and Michelle know."

"Wait when did Booth find out?"

"Today he saw Cam talk about us when he went through- look I'll tell you later."

"Hey man, listen. I know you think you need to keep this a secret but I am gonna call Dr.B and Booth. They deserve to know. OK?" Hodgins asked whilst his hand rested on Arastoo's shoulder.

"K" Hodgins walked off to call Brennan cell.

"Mr. Saroyan?" a young nurse in operating uniform came out blood on her shirt and gloves.

"Uh yea?" he jumped up not bothering to correct her.

"I have been told to inform you we have come to a slight difficulty in the procedure. I don't know if you know so I will let your wife tell you but Dr. Vadhat (haha again with the name!) has asked me to tell you it will be another 3 to 4 hours before we are done. I am sorry for your wait." she walked back through the surgery doors and vanished down the halls. He didn't want to admit it but slightly enjoyed the thought of Cam being his wife. Dr. Camille Saroyan-Vaziri. He liked the sound of it. So he let his mind wonder. Trying to forget the world and everyone around him. Even Angela and Hodgins. He closed his eyes and slowly, somehow, drifted off.


Cam's Dream

I look around me and see the lab. Last thing I remember is seeing a bright light. How did I get here?

I am on the platform and I see Dr.Brennan in front of me working on her bones. Hodgins is in Angela's office both if them talking to Michael-Vincent.

I hear Arastoo's voice calling me. I walk down the steps to see him in my office. As I walk closer I feel dizzy. My world begins I spin and I feel myself falling. Everything goes black.

End of Cam's Dream

"We're losing her!" One of the nurses shouted as she tried to get Cam's heart started again. Cam lay on the operating table lifeless for several minutes. It was 3 and a half minutes later her heart began to beat.

"Thank God!" the nurse said and went back to trying to do the operation.

"ARASTOO!" Arastoo turned at the sound of Cam screaming.

"WHERE ARE YOU?" he shouted back. He only remembered coming to find her. Coming to look for her but only to hear her scream in terror.


Arastoo woke up in a shock. He looked around him trying to figure out where he was.

"Hey man. It's OK you fell asleep for an hour. We have been right here. Dr. B and Booth came they are away with Ange to get some coffee." Hodgins was sitting a few seats down but had moved up to talk to him.

"Uh OK. Any news?"

"Sorry man none." Hodgins shrugged and gave a sad smile.

"OK no problem." he sat up and waited for the news he desperately wanted to come.

Ok so here you go! Hope you like it! If you have anything you want to happen leave a comment and I will take all into consideration! Love you guys and doing my best to update on time! 😘😘😘

Cam x


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