Floaty dress?

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The picture is one I found online that resembles how I imagine the dress however you can imagine it anyway you like!
It had been ten weeks since Cam told Arastoo she was pregnant and everything had been going surprisingly smooth. Arastoo had been slightly over protective however she was expecting that. She knew that soon they'd have to tell people but knew she could keep it for a bit longer. The only things that was starting to make others suspicious was the fact she was eating much more and was wearing floatier dresses. It was Friday the 4th of September that she was finally pulled up on by Angela.
"Hey Cam I was just coming up here for my lunch. That OK?"
"Yes of course, that's why I'm here."
"Oh OK!" Angela sat down next her, being chirpier than usual. As they both sat on the sofa, Angela noticed that Cam was not wearing her usual tight dresses but was in fact wearing a rather loose, floaty one.
"What've you got for lunch?"
"Well I ate quite a lot this morning so I am eating some grapes and crackers. Oh I also have a cupcake!" She showed Angela her tub full of fruit and crackers and the cupcake she pulled out of her purse.
"Oh my god!"
"I know, I know, it's a lot and an odd variety but I was crav- I am I was in the mood for this."
"Craving? You were going to say craving weren't you?"
"I uh don't see how that's relevant to what I'm eating for lunch though?"
"You're pregnant?"
"What! Angela how dare you ask such a question? I may be eating slightly more however that does not mean I am pregnant!" Cam stood up to leave but Angela grabbed her wrist.
"Take a drink of this then."She handed her a cup if coffee.
"Drink some of this and I will believe you are not pregnant. I mean you wouldn't harm your child with caffeine. Would you? And plus you caught me out when I was pregnant by telling me no one eats plain crackers voluntarily." Angela smirked as she saw the panic on Cams face.
"I-I-I can't."
"And why not?" The smile began playing in her lips even more.
"You can't say anything! We are waiting until next week to tell people. I kept yours a secret so you have to do the same for me!"
"Agh! Yes of course my lips are sealed! Wait a minute! Is that what you and Booth were talking about before? At the diner?" Angela questioned as Cams face went scarlet.
"Oh my god! And now he's..." She trailed off.
"Yea... He is..." They looked to the floor, neither daring to speak.
"I'm so happy for you Cam." They hugged each other, tears filling Angela's eyes ever so slightly, both happy and sad.
"What happened?" Both woman jumped as Brennan was standing with a coffee mug behind them.
"Brennan! Sweetie, nothing, why?"
"Oh well Angela you're crying and hugging Cam. I just presumed, my bad."
"Oh no I just am so happy to be solving jeffersonian cases for another year." Angela mumbled and looked down.
"Actually I'm gonna go find Hodgins and see if he wants to eat lunch with his wife...Bye" Angela grabbed her food and left. Unknowing to them Brennan had heard every word of their conversation.
I guess she's more socially adapt than most of us thought? Don't you agree?
Crappy, short and late so sorry been super busy had writer block please comment and vote and I'll see you next time!
Regina X

Camastoo (Bones fanfic!)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin