Life As We Know It

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Sorry for the recent chapters...I know they were crap...

"What do we know?" Cam slapped on her latex gloves as she slowly walked around the still slightly fleshy corpse.
"Male, Middle age, probably flossed his teeth every morning and night." Fisher said, with his usual slap of sarcasm.
"OK. Angela are you able to do a facial reconstruction." Cam looked up but soon realised Angela wasn't around.
"She went to get dentals." Fisher said picking up the left hand.
"OK then. Is there-"
"Danny Jarvis, aged fifty three, he's been missing for almost a month." Angela walked in as she pulled up the file on the computer.
"He was last seen in Brooklyn, New York. He had a wife and two kids."
"I presume you are using had since he is dead?" Cam implied.
"No, actually, they got a divorce in 1998 and it seems there's been no contact between him and the other three since then, but the file may not have been updated in a while so I've sent it over to Booth, Aubrey and Sweets so they can take a look."
"OK great! Well Mr Fisher shall we go and remover the flesh?"
"Yes ma'am." he nodded and followed her off the platform.

"Hey Ange! Coffee?" Hodgins walked into her office handing her a travel cup.
"Don't talk to me." she grabbed the mug without looking away from her computer.
"Come on, Angie. I said I was sorry." he begged her.
"I don't care." she gave him a quick death glare out the corner of her eye.
"But-" he quickly stopped as she sighed and gave him a look he wouldn't want to mess with.
"Fine, I'm going." he pointed to the door before he began to leave.
"Dr Hodgins!"
"Dr B!" He turned around as his boss jogged towards him.
"Can I have a word with you please?" She said to him seriously.
"Uh yeah, sure." He followed her to her office.
"What's wrong?" He sat down next to her on the couch.
"What's wrong with Angela? I tried to talk to her this morning however she simply told me 'not now'. Have I done something wrong?" Brennan looked to Hodgins with a puzzled look.
"Oh no! You've not done anything, Dr. B, I've been an idiot so she's mad at me."
"Oh well that's alright then. That's all then." she stood up and straightened her coat before walking out.
"Not for me it's not. Not for me." he sighed to himself as he went out to go talk to Cam.
"No, listen you know we can't do that." Cam whispered into the phone.
"No, I will need to fire both of us then."
A few moments passed before she spoke again.
"How about we just go out somewhere? Royal diner?" She chuckled down the line. Hodgins stood outside her door, unseen. He smiled as it was obvious who was in the other end, and he was happy Cam was so happy.
"OK then. I'll see you at twelve?" She paused slightly as she was being asked a question.
"Two hours." She replied.
Hodgins checked his watch and saw it was two hours until twelve.
"Great. See you soon." she placed the phone down with a sigh and a smile. Waiting a few moments Hodgins stood outside before he went in.
"Hey Cam?"
"Yes, Dr. Hodgins." she turned around and smiled as he walked in heading for her computer. She stood up and walked over as it was the computer next to the autopsy table he had went to.
"I found traces of aluminium in the cuts on his legs." he pressed a few buttons before turning and giving Cam a troubled look.
"Well that could be a number of things."
"Yeah. Although the edging left around the cut left a distinctive marking. Almost jagged. Like you know the speech bubbles around like the words 'zap!' And stuff in comic books?"
"Well that's this shape." he nodded towards the screen.
"Well let's get Angela to have a look shall we?" They both headed out wanting to get this over with.
"Hey A-"
"Shut up Hodgins." Angela snapped at him before he could finish.
"Woah, OK tension." Cam said surprise by the curt reply.
"Oh hey Cam." Angela smiled softly as though the moment before hadn't happened.
"Hi? I eh need you to run this through the Angelatron, eh please." Cam stuttered as she looked from Hodgins back to Angela and then to Hodgins again.
"Sure! So aluminium and let's see it so I can scan in the shape." Cam passed the mould she had brought with her so Angela could scan it in.
"OK I will give you a shout when it's ready."
"Great thank you, Angela." Cam quickly escaped the tension in the room and headed back to her office to run tests.
An hour and a half later Brennan strolled in to Booths office.
"Hey Bones!" He greeted her.
"Hi, oh Agent Aubrey! Hello there. Why are you in Booths office?" She kissed Booths cheek then turned to Aubrey.
"Hello ma'am. We were just discussing some stuff. I better get going though. Great to see you again, Dr. Brennan. Thanks Booth." he nodded his head before getting up from the chair and walking out the door.
"So I was wondering if you wanted to grab some lunch?" Brennan said to him once Aubrey left.
"Great! I'm starving! Royal Diner?" He grabbed his jacket from his chair.
"Sounds good." they headed for the car, both eager to get lunch.
"So what are you getting?" Cam asked Arastoo as they sat at the table.
"Was thinking the carrot soup? Trying to be healthy." he smiled.
"Sounds good. I think I had that before and really enjoyed it. I was thinking the chicken sub with lettuce and mayo? What do you think?"
"Uh I think I'm jealous!" He laughed and reached over to hold her hand.
"I'm glad you came." he smiled and she held his hand tightly.
"Well, I'm glad you're glad." she winked at him just as the waitress came over.
"Hiya kids. What will it be today?" The waitress who came over was much older than the rest. Neither Cam nor Arastoo had seen her before. She looked frail and her long grey hair looked quite wiry in its small bun.
"Uh I will have the chicken sub with lettuce and mayo please. Oh and a glass of water. Thanks." Cam smiled to the ageing woman.
"I'll have the carrot soup and water as well please. Thanks."
"Not a problem. It'll be out as soon as it's ready." she winked at them before taking away their menus.
"Oh no." Arastoo said as he looked to the door.
"What?" Cam said as she had her back got the door.
"Cam! Mr. Vaziri!" Cam heard the voice of Dr. Brennan radiate through the diner, straight to their table.
"Oh." Cam smiled before letting go of Arastoos hand.
"Bones, why don't we sit over here. Hey guys." Booth smiled trying to steer her away from the couple.
"OK you two! Here's your waters." the woman, who's name tag read Claire, placed down the waters.
"Thanks." Arastoo and Cam said in unison.
"Because, Bones, they might be on a date." Booth smiled to the two as he slightly whispered to her.
"Usually a date for us involves sexual intercourse. Are you two planing on having sexual intercourse after lunch and that's why you don't want us tagging along?" Cam almost choked on the large gulp of water she had just taken when Brennan questioned them. As Cam sat coughing, Arastoo sat getting slightly red faced.
"Jeez Bones! You can't just ask then that! Especially like that!" Booth stepped in, "plus look they have already ordered. So come on we'll sit up here and leave them in peace." he pulled her up to the bar seat around the corner after giving them a quick wave goodbye.
"You OK?" Arastoo asked as she sat coughing still.
"Yea, I'm fine. Thanks." she smiled, her eyes watering slightly.
"Well that was-"
"Blunt?" Cam asked him.
"Very." he smiled as he saw their food coming.

So nothing much really happened in this chapter I just wanted to kinda get back to some basic stuff! I will (hopefully is all goes planned!) will be updating within the time now! I know I've been pretty all over the place and lost a lot of readers but I had a lot going on so everything will hopefully be back to normal and be fine! I will see you guys next time and please remember to comment, vote and share! Love hearing what you guys think and rarely get comments (apart from one) so would love to see some more! See you next time!
C x
(Again didn't check so sorry for mistakes!)

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