Living Hell

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"So you're his older brother, well in a way." Cam tried to talk slightly but the glaring look she got was enough to shut her up.
"Listen why don't you tell us what it is your looking for and we might be able to help?" Offered Booth.
"Camille Saroyan and Agent Booth. That's who we are looking for. You have connections to them don't you?" The tall man asked.
"Who?" Cam asked.
"I think they mean, you know?"
"Wha- Not? No..." she trailed off as if in thought.
"Who! I demand you tell me who! If you don't I shoot!" The black haired man held the gun out to Cams head.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! No need for that! It's just, the people you said they um. They died a few years ago, fire." Booth managed to being almost tears to his eyes as he spoke.
"BULL! I know they were here!" He yelled at them and it made Cam flinch.
"No really I'm an Agent myself Agent Aubrey, this her is my colleague from the Jeffersonian Miss Jessica Warren." Booth improvised with the first name that came to mind.
"Yes we were trying to get away from all the, well, death." Cam tried not to treble but found it extremely difficult.
As she finished her sentence the mans phone rang.
"What? No! I told you to keep em' there! Shit!" As the man turned away slightly to talk on his phone Booth took the opportunity to his advantage. His whipped the gun out from his waistband and held it to the distracted mans head.
"Put the phone down." Booth ordered and the man froze. As he turned slowly his eyes widened slightly but then he tried to cover it up quickly.
"I gotta go man. Talk soon." Booth heard shouting from the other end but he hung up anyway. Cam sat there terrified.
I watch on as he quickly placed the phone down on the table.
"Smart man." I smirk slightly, but then back to my icy exterior.
"Lo-ook man I-I wasn't gonna hurt no-nobody. I was j-just you know wanting some information. That's all."
"You held a gun to her head." I stated, not in the mood for jokes.
"Me and him man we are like brothers so when he gets sent to jail for some crime I wanna make sure they legit sure they got the right man, you know what I'm sayin'?" He questioned me, thinking I didn't see the gun in his hands, I knew exactly what to do. Before he could even think about moving I grabbed his gun wielding arm and twisted it behind his back, hearing a gasp from Cam behind me.
"Now listen here. I love that woman on that couch. She is my best friend and if anything were to danger her I would make sure to stop that danger. You know what I'm sayin'?" I whispered into his ear making sure it was low and dangerous sounding.
"Yea man course. You mind loosening a bit, you hurting me a bit?" As he said that I smirked slightly and pushed his arm further up, causing him to groan in pain.
"Any better?" I spoke roughly into his ear. As I asked I heard him let out a squeak of pain. I couldn't resist the fact I was enjoying this. Unfortunately for me I got too caught up in my joy and before I knew it he had whipped himself around and I was ducking from his punches. As his left arm swung round I ducked down grabbing his leg, making him topple. I straddled his hips and began punching. Left. Right. Left. Right. Soon enough blood started spurting from his nose as he let out groans every time my fist came in contact with his face. As I stopped for a second he took full advantage and flipped me over and in hadn't realised we had switched positions until I felt the sting of his punch on my cheek. He waste no time in whacking his large fist against my cheeks until I felt the blood pouring out my nose. As he continued to punch I soon tasted the metallic taste of my blood in my mouth. I kept trying to flip him over but the guy was stronger than I'd first thought. I hadn't even registered what was happening until his unconscious body lay on top of me. As I looked up I saw Cam standing over him with a large base in her fists and her teeth gritted.
"Nice work!" I huffed out before shoving the dead weight of my body. I happily took the hand she was offering out to me and she helped pull me up.
"You OK?" She went to nurse my cuts and my burst nose but I pulled back.
"I'm fine, Cam. I'm a big boy remember?" I smirked but scrunched my fave up as it pained my whole face.
"Ha! OK big boy! What do we do now?" She nodded towards the unconscious man.
"We call for back up." I stated and walked off to find my cell.
Third person POV
As the large FBI men dragged the still unconscious man from their temporary apartment Cam gave a hefty sigh.
"Thanks guys!" Booth called before shutting the door.
"Booth I really was hoping we could go home now? Cause I mean I for want anymore psychos coming to the door trying to shoot us." she gave him a look and he knew he couldn't refuse, even though he was going to suggest leaving now anyway.
"Yea, come on then. Anything we leave will be sent to me and Bones' place anyway, so you'll get it back."
"Great." she grabbed her bags, which she'd packed before, and they both went to leave.
"Mr Vaziri? What are you doing here?" Arastoo turned to see Brennan walking into the Bones room.
"Oh hi Dr Brennan I was just checking over the bones a final time."
"Well that's very good of you. It's almost seven though, shouldn't you e at home waiting on Cam coming back."
"Didn't you get the message?" Her brows furrowed as he continued. "They ran into a bit of a problem so won't be back till early morning." he stated watching her eyes widen.
"Oh! I didn't know that. Well thank you for informing me. Who sent you the message?" She questioned.
"Cam did." he smiled at her.
"Oh OK then, thank you. If you want to you can go home now. I no longer need you in the lab, I'm going home and so is Angela and Dr Hodgins."
"Thanks Dr Brennan. I will get my stuff." he nodded peeling his gloves off.
"Goodnight Arastoo." she have him a sympathetic smile knowing he'd never been in this position before, knowing he was worried sick.
"Goodnight Dr B." he smiled slightly, before leaving the bone room.

I am super proud of this chapter but I don't read over it so sorry for any mistakes! The chapter was dedicated to... cam-saroyan sophiakittell & Bella_8080 (sorry for some reason it wouldn't let me tag you!) Anyway! I dedicated you guys cause you all commented nice things and no one else did, so, there! Anyway! Thanks for reading and remember to vote and comment! Also please tell me what you think of the action in this one and please people other than the usual three as well cause no one else seems to comment! (Not that I don't love the usual ones! 😉) Thanks guys!

Jessica W x


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