• Chapter 8 •

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"How's my two favourite ladies?" Damon asks Maddie and I as he links his arms with us as we walk towards the cafeteria.

"Dandy." Maddie replies twirliing her hair and whistling.

"Ok." I say quietly, Damon halts to a stop, me stopping with him, he puts his hand under my chin and turns my face towards him.

"Chin up my dear girl." Damon replies kissing me on the cheek. I smile in return and start walking towards our customary table, Maddie and Damon slide in beside me and we start to talk about our plans for the weekend.

"There's a party at Park's this weekend Renée." Maddie states to me looking at me slyly.

"So?" I reply back shrugging my shoulders and glaring at my apple intensly.

"Ay don't take your emotions out at the poor apple Rae Rae." Damon says patting my arm laughing.

"Haha sorry Damo, how about I take them out on you?" I reply slightly punching him on the arm.

"Don't sass me Renée." Damon laughs shaking his finger at me.

"Ugh guys?" Maddie says, we both look toward her to see her staring at someone in shock, I look behind myself to see what she is looking at, I groan inwardly.

"Park." I say turning my attention back to the apple sitting in front of me.

"Watson." Daniel replies still standing behind me not moving. I wince slightly before I turn around again.

"What do you want?" I ask staring at him straight in the eyes.

"Nothing just reminding you to meet me at my car this afternoon." Daniel remarks leaving the table, I turn back around to my precious apple. Damon just looks between Maddie and I as she and I start laughing.

"I hate being out of the loop!" Damon whines picking up my apple and biting at it.

"Haha, it's nothing really, I'm his biology partner and am currently carless, so the odds even up ay?" I reply to him as I swipe at my apple.

"Renée had a little sleep over last night." Maddie states winking snatching the apple off Damon and also taking a bite, I shake my head at her and laugh.

"Nothing happened I swear!" I cry getting a new apple out of my bag winking at Maddie as she throws the one Damon bit into in the bin.

"Sure Hun sure." Damon grins at me taking my new apple out of my hand.

"Heyyy!" I pout at him now appleless, Damon shrugs at me chomping on my food.


It was finally the last lesson of the day and I drag my tired legs accros the hall towards my English lesson. I walk in with the rest of my collegues and sit in the front row not wanting to listen to the jibber jabber of the annoying students.

Miss Garner smiles at me seeing me in the front row, I roll my eyes. Stupid teachers thinking I'm gonna be nice if I'm in the front row, definatly not.

I close my eyes as I hear Miss Garner drone on about Romeo and Juliet.

"Renée?" I hear my voice as I open my eyes groaning. I glance towards the clock and gulp, it's been half an hour and I have no idea why someone was saying my name. I glance around the room to see everyone deathly quiet and staring at me.

"Renée can you hurry up please?" Miss Garner says fustration in her voice. I crap my pants mentally as I look towards the whiteboard for help, and to add the my luck there is nothing on the whiteboard, I try my last resort.

"Can I ugh go to the bathroom please?" I ask sweetly, Miss Garner just frowns at me.

"I have been waiting for you to go to the toilet ever since you yelled at me to go about ten minutes ago?" Miss Garner growls, I open my eyes in confusion.

"I've been asleep for 30 minutes?" I ask rubbing my temple as it starts to pound.

"Renée stop trying to make a joke you have been answering questions in the class discussion for the past 30 minutes." Miss Garner replies shaking her head at me, I close my eyes in confusion and stand up to go to the toilet.

"Where are you going Renée?" Miss Garner asks stopping me with her hand.

"The toilet where else?" I say my head pounding so loud I struggle to hear even my own voice.

"Just go then!" Miss Garner grunts in annoyance.

I stumble towards the door, my eyes going blurry with every step I take. I make it out the door and in to the bathroom before my joints start make a cracking sound with every movement I make. The pain starts to grow in my head and I feel as if it will explode, as I drop to the floor my eyes closing again.

I feel my my phone vibrate in my pocket, I groan as I move my hand slowly and take my phone out and face it towards my face. My eyes watering at the pain, I turn it on and open my eyes to see a text before my eyes.

"Welcome to initiation Princess"

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