Chapter Thirty

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When the final bell rang, my heart skidded to a stop -- only momentarily. It was Thursday, which meant we were getting into our groups. Ivelyn, Kate, and Mir were going to wear my face for the plan. It would have been ready sooner, but Kate told us there was one issue. We didn't know how long the potion would last.

To me, that was enough to stop the plan altogether. Apparently, I was the only one that thought this. Kate said she estimated about thirty minutes for the potion to work. I didn't think that would be enough time, but everyone assured me it would. It was odd to me, how eager everyone was to enact this plan. 

We all were going to need some serious therapy after this. We all had become martyrs with no real cause to our chaotic behavior. 

I shut my locker and pulled out my phone, which had been buzzing like crazy. It was the damn group chat. As I scrolled through the messages, it looked like they were all from Ivelyn. She wanted everyone to meet outside in the parking lot, minus the Lycan's and the twins. Okay, Ivelyn, okay.

Per Ivelyn's request, I made my way to the parking lot. It was ten days into April and the weather had been pretty steadily Spring-like. It was a nice change from all the sun and rain. I trudged through the throng of students, finally making it to my car. Apparently, I was the last to arrive. Erik was leaning against the bumper of his car, Addie next to him. 

Uh oh, someone told Addie about our plan. I gulped.

Kate, Mir, and Ivelyn stood next to Ivelyn's car, which was parked in between mine and Erik's. Daniel and Giu stood across the row, by Daniel's car. When he saw me, he crossed over to stand next to me. 

"Perfect, we're all here." Ivelyn clasped her hands together. "Let's go over the plan, one more time." Everyone groaned. She had been pounding the details of the plan into our brains for over a week. It was only slightly repetitive, note sarcasm. 

"We meet with our groups and go visit whoever we're supposed to. You, Kate, and Mir take a potion to look like me and we figure out who Sarah Good is possessing." I answered in monotone. 

"It's not quite possession, that would require a different mechanism. I prefer the term "occupying," because that really is what she is doing. Possession implies she is a Demon and the body is a mere shell or vessel. In her case, she is occupying the body and soul, but the original soul is still there, just tucked away." Kate said matter of factly. 

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. 

"So not the point," Mir muttered under her breath. 

"What team am I in?" Addie asked beaming. I couldn't meet her gaze. Obviously, no one had told her she wasn't coming. I bet when Erik got Ivelyn's message, Addie was next to him and followed him. There's no way Erik would tell her she couldn't come with. 

"Teams were already assigned," Ivelyn told her curtly. 

"Okay, so I'll just be in Corn's team." She smiled, showing most of her teeth. 

"The teams are full. You're going to have to sit this one out." Ivelyn was standing her ground on this. At first, I thought she was being a little cruel. Then, I remembered how stubborn Addison could be. She looked from me to Erik, waiting for us to help her. I kept my mouth shut. I wasn't getting into this.

"Is it because I'm human? You guys said I'm a member of the Coven, that means--

"What are you going to do to help? We have Lycan's, Cursed Ones, and Witches, so what are you going to do?" Ivelyn snapped, her patience dried up. This had been a big deal to Ivelyn from the get-go. She had been the one that planned every step of this operation and she wasn't going to change things last minute. 

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